Sold to me as P. Atrichromatus. Do you think he is a P. Cancerides?

Sold to me as P. Atrichromatus. Do you think he is a P. Cancerides?

The color just doesn't have enough purple to be atrichromatus IMO.
Looks pretty much like my atrichomatus looked like...

Okay, guess so, it's hard when all the freaking google results are heavily photoshopped

Also love that they're known for being crazy. this guy is so chill.
Okay, guess so, it's hard when all the freaking google results are heavily photoshopped

Also love that they're known for being crazy. this guy is so chill.
Yeah, it's tricky to tell what's real and what's not. I can promise my photos have not be altered at all - flash only. Mine is now an MM and he still hunts/eats better than many of my other NW species, so at least in that regard, they're a bit crazy...
Yeah, it's tricky to tell what's real and what's not. I can promise my photos have not be altered at all - flash only. Mine is now an MM and he still hunts/eats better than many of my other NW species, so at least in that regard, they're a bit crazy...
Same, also MM and loves to eat but he will crawl on my hands nice and calm and just walk around. Trying to get some weight on him, wish he would eat dubias but I've noticed a thing where MM swear off dubias and will only eat crickets. Maybe I should try hornworms.

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Tarantula Identification
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