Cute Female Jumper macro shot

Cute Female Jumper macro shot

They're very difficult to capture on camera cause they're tiny and don't like to sit still but the resulting pics be incredible
I would imagine you have to dangle a little cricket on a string just above the lense and gently swing it side to side... 😀
There are quite a few ways peeps take great images of Ts/jumpers- trial and error is something I already knew having done it myself :rolleyes:
There are quite a few ways peeps take great images of Ts/jumpers- trial and error is something I already knew having done it myself :rolleyes:
It's probably todo with the light, I have noticed my jumpers follow the torch light when I am checking on them, if the room was darker with the bright light they probably can't help looking at it moving 🤷🏻‍♀️
Best guess 😊
It's probably todo with the light, I have noticed my jumpers follow the torch light when I am checking on them, if the room was darker with the bright light they probably can't help looking at it moving 🤷🏻‍♀️
Best guess 😊
There are other ways as well
There are other ways as well
I should imagine there is 101 ways , watching a finger if they are used to human interaction, a worm on the top of the lens , plus the light trick just off the top of my head , but whatever he used they are amazing pics 😊 frame worthy imo.

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607.6 KB
Date taken
Sat, 21 December 2024 12:52 PM
1439px x 1080px

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