A non-fossorial fossorial
Thiri is one of the newer additions to my collection (got her in early October). As seen here, she STILL has not burrowed in spite of being one of the most dedicated fossorials among fossorial Ts….

0.1.0 (out of 0.1.3) Cyriopagopus lividus
May not have burrowed because the viv it is in is burrow shaped why dig when already in a tube can just decorate with webbing n call it good, maybe try something with more width and the t may behave differently 😊 ti's a beautiful t btw that blue is mind blowing 🥰
May not have burrowed because the viv it is in is burrow shaped why dig when already in a tube can just decorate with webbing n call it good, maybe try something with more width and the t may behave differently 😊 ti's a beautiful t btw that blue is mind blowing 🥰
Well it’s been over eight months now and she has burrowed quite extensively and built up a turret…..though I did catch her out once recently and she will destroy any feeder in sight.

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