Unidentified Avic

Unidentified Avic

They came in from peru as unidentified. They're both about 2.5" - 3". Hard to tell from the picture, but the the color on the front half of the body was a goldish brown and progressively got darker toward the rump. Any ideas?
Lots of arboreal spiders have pink toes - that doesn't necessarily put it into the Avicularia genus. Do you have any other pictures?
The pink toes comment was meant jokingly but the smiley didn't display on the comment. I have a picture of the other from the same angle but for whatever reason AB won't recognize it as a valid file type for upload. Apparently someone who's has raised a lot of avics took a look at them when they came in and wasn't able to identify the species, however I don't believe there was discussion that they weren't avics, but I could be wrong,

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