Grammostola rosea 'NCF' (ex porteri)

Grammostola rosea 'NCF' (ex porteri)

G. porteri large AF, out on patrol.
What a stunning girl 🥰 she looks amazing on that pic the way she's stood all proud 🩷 very nice 🙂 both t and pic 😉

As a tip if you go into edit pic on your phone, turn up the contrast and it will counteract the milkyness the plastic creates without changing the colour of the picture its self . My kid brothers gf showed me how 😁 as I am shall we say technically challenged 😆 but I use it alot with tiny sling pics as their vivs tent to be milky , I didn't have to dl any app or anything to do so either so I expect you could do the same on your phone 🙂 would be able to see her beautiful pinkness too then.
What a stunning girl 🥰 she looks amazing on that pic the way she's stood all proud 🩷 very nice 🙂 both t and pic 😉

As a tip if you go into edit pic on your phone, turn up the contrast and it will counteract the milkyness the plastic creates without changing the colour of the picture its self . My kid brothers gf showed me how 😁 as I am shall we say technically challenged 😆 but I use it alot with tiny sling pics as their vivs tent to be milky , I didn't have to dl any app or anything to do so either so I expect you could do the same on your phone 🙂 would be able to see her beautiful pinkness too then.
Thank you she is indeed amazing, even if I don't always do the best job of showing that 😆 I just tend to upload the pics as they are haha, so thanks for reminding me!
Thank you she is indeed amazing, even if I don't always do the best job of showing that 😆 I just tend to upload the pics as they are haha, so thanks for reminding me!
It's just such a great pic her stance and the detail are amazing. I think you've done a brilliant job of capturing how stunning she is but didn't know if like me you didn't know about the contrast to stop the cloudiness trick so thought I would share, as I said I am rubbish with tech of any kind n was chuffed when my brothers gf showed me how to make it clear so I thought I would share just incase 😆 although I think most ppl are better with tech then me so should probably keep my mouth shut 😂 even my Gran knows more about tech then I do 🤣

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