Pamphobeteus sp. costa

Pamphobeteus sp. costa

Pamphobeteus sp. Costa, 9" leg span (Old AF)
Spectacular looking lady! Quite the hair kicker though judging by the size of that bald patch. Do they start out jet black post-molt like some other Pamphobeteus spp. do?
Spectacular looking lady! Quite the hair kicker though judging by the size of that bald patch. Do they start out jet black post-molt like some other Pamphobeteus spp. do?
She's actually not bad for hair kicking that shiny patch is just the result of my rubbish lighting (I'm not a good photographer at all :rofl:) She did indeed start out totally black after her last molt, and then slowly transitioned into a deep brown.
She's actually not bad for hair kicking that shiny patch is just the result of my rubbish lighting (I'm not a good photographer at all :rofl:) She did indeed start out totally black after her last molt, and then slowly transitioned into a deep brown.
Huh, neat. I have a huge soft spot for black tarantulas, so a black T of that size and with that stocky, Theraphosa-like body build is very tempting. Do you know if they usually grow to 9" or that considered unusually large?
Huh, neat. I have a huge soft spot for black tarantulas, so a black T of that size and with that stocky, Theraphosa-like body build is very tempting. Do you know if they usually grow to 9" or that considered unusually large?
I have 5 other Pamphos of varying ages & sizes, she is by far the largest. None of the other 5 have passed 7 inches yet but most of them aren't that old... perhaps one will get to her size one day but only time will tell (I know that some Pampho species don't get as large as others). This girl on the other hand is supposedly well over 10 years old. From my understanding, Pamphos are very large T's more often than not if that's what you're wondering.

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