Brachypelma albiceps

Brachypelma albiceps

Brachypelma albiceps (AF)
Finally! Someone else with an AF B. albiceps!
How hair flicky is she for you? Is she closer to 6in or 5.5in DLS? Any tendency to refuse food?
Mine has recently laid down a ton of webbing all over her enclosure, which I thought was interesting.
Finally! Someone else with an AF B. albiceps!
How hair flicky is she for you? Is she closer to 6in or 5.5in DLS? Any tendency to refuse food?
Mine has recently laid down a ton of webbing all over her enclosure, which I thought was interesting.
She can be very flicky, but sometimes she will be defensive (going into threat posture) rather than kicking hairs... On occasion she will even be very placid, quite an unpredictable tarantula overall (I will say that normally she will be feisty in some way). Her DLS is almost right in the middle of 5.5 and 6 inches. I got her in premolt, and after molting out she refused food for about 6 weeks... since then she has never turned down a meal and will even walk the length of her enclosure when she thinks food is on offer (for example, when I fill up her water dish and some droplets land on the sub, she will immediately come and investigate even if they landed quite far away from her). Mine has laid down a tiny bit of webbing but not a lot, she never uses a hide and is out on display all the time... a very bold T.
She can be very flicky, but sometimes she will be defensive (going into threat posture) rather than kicking hairs... On occasion she will even be very placid, quite an unpredictable tarantula overall (I will say that normally she will be feisty in some way). Her DLS is almost right in the middle of 5.5 and 6 inches. I got her in premolt, and after molting out she refused food for about 6 weeks... since then she has never turned down a meal and will even walk the length of her enclosure when she thinks food is on offer (for example, when I fill up her water dish and some droplets land on the sub, she will immediately come and investigate even if they landed quite far away from her). Mine has laid down a tiny bit of webbing but not a lot, she never uses a hide and is out on display all the time... a very bold T.
Always good to hear other folks' experience with this species. My large female is constantly relaxed and has never kicked. She is curious like yours and will move to a part of the enclosure I'm cleaning out to check it out.

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