Theraphosa blondi
The Spider House

Theraphosa blondi

Approx 4 weeks post moult. Adult Female T blondi. This one is supposedly the "Brazilian" form. Most are French Guyana but visually and without any equipment to conform, looks like all my other T blondi.
Besides geography, what's the distinguishing factor you would look for?
Besides geography, what's the distinguishing factor you would look for?
The only thing I have been able to find is that they are (allegedly) "hairier" than the French Guyana blondi. Not great I know but that's all I have found. Supposedly a bit darker too, similar to apophysis, but all my blondi are that deeper colour post moult anyway so again not the best way to distinguish between them IMHO

I have another AF who moulted a week after this one and another in heavy pre moult so I will do some side by side comparisons but TBH, I don't see any difference at all.
The only thing I have been able to find is that they are (allegedly) "hairier" than the French Guyana blondi. Not great I know but that's all I have found. Supposedly a bit darker too, similar to apophysis, but all my blondi are that deeper colour post moult anyway so again not the best way to distinguish between them IMHO

I have another AF who moulted a week after this one and another in heavy pre moult so I will do some side by side comparisons but TBH, I don't see any difference at all.
Check .
Was meaning to ask how's the one you mated coming on.assuming it's fg .
in best instance this is French guyana as assurred by source /check gallery for t blond pic .
The sac was bad unfortunately. I have another that has been paired that will hopefully nest soon and there are 3 more AF recently moulted for when my next male.matures (next moult) 🤞
Hmm how many pairings did she have and was that the Brazilian form.I always keep mm extremely moist so when a sperm web is made they don't dry up.
How long before there was spinnen activitat(closing burrow/webbing etc)last one i did was 12wk but she eventually molted out
Of the 3 Theraphosa pairings I have attempted (1x stirmi and 2 x Blondi) it has been 7 months after pairing before any egg laying activity from all of them. Unfortunately, yet to have a viable sac.
Blimey I knew it was usually a few month but anything over 6 month say .its usually assumed that the egg sac they make will be infertile .were yours all seasoned adults e.g over 3yrs old .does seem a long time .ive paired a few off myself so very interested it's been a while lol

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The Spider House
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samsung SM-A520F
Focal length
3.6 mm
Exposure time
File size
3.5 MB
Date taken
Thu, 07 July 2022 8:12 AM
3456px x 3662px

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