What morphotype? 4"

What morphotype? 4"

Got two Avics from a trade a few days ago, and was told this one was an A. avic M6. Was looking for confirmation/disagreement to this. The pictures don't do justice, but the red setae is VERY red, which seems more like an M1 to me. Although it does seem fuzzier and more brightly colored than my M1
I will try to get more pictures in the morning with natural lighting to better show the coloration. I was also traded one as an A. avic Peru purple, so could it just have been a mix up and it's that instead?
Looks like m1 to me...Peru purple is Juruensis M2. I'd wait for a molt, but it is definitely not an M6, M6 has no red on the carapace.
Yeah, I didn't think I was an M6, but my judgement has been clouded lately so I figured I'd get second opinions. I was thinking maybe he mixed up the M6 and the juruensis M2 (I knew about that name change, I just listed it as what he told me it was in hopes that would be a clue), but the other one also doesn't look like an M6. I know this picture dulls her coloration really bad, but do you think there's a possibility of her being an A. juruensis M2? It's coloration is much bolder than I ever recall my A. avic M1 being, even freshly molted. There's way more red on the abdomen and legs, it seems fuzzier, and even the setae on the front legs seems to have more of a reddish/gold tint to it. It just doesn't seem quite like an M1 to me.
Here’s an M1 that I have that looked like this before it molted

I guess it could be juruensis m2, but price would also be a big factor. It doesn’t look purple to me though but after a molt it’ll be more definitive
I would recommend asking where the person you got them from got them and ask if there’s any receipt or anything you can see
If the guy follows through with another meet up he promised me (sold me a male as a female, promised to meet up and correct it), I'll ask him in person. But he very well could have scammed me and both Avics are actually just M1s. The other one seems like it's in premolt, so that one will probably be the first one I can properly ID. I traded the two Avics for a male B. hamorii, so I didn't actually pay anything for them.
one pic is never enough to ID an Avic, in the original pic, it resembles m6, but with red in there, it is definitely NOT m6, and likely m1
Yeah, I figured as much. I was hoping for better lighting today to get pictures without my camera flash, but it's been overcast and raining all day. I did manage to get a few somewhat better pictures, I'll post them shortly
A varinat of Avicularia avicularia (probability suggests M#1 if wild caught, if captive bred M#1/M#6 morph mix is quite possible)...
Not juruensis anything IMO. You can easily prove me wrong or right by measuring Leg I and Leg IV. With Avicularia juruensis the hind and front set of legs are of equal length, whereas with Avicularia avicularia the back pair is 10% longer than the front... ✌
I'll probably have to wait on a molt for proper measurements, but from strictly eyeballing it, leg IV does look a bit longer than leg I. The idea of it being an M1/M6 hybrid did cross my mind last night. I'm honestly not sure whether it's captive bred or wild caught, but I do know the guy I got it from has done breeding himself and works with at least one other breeder. But based on my interactions with him, I'm not sure whether I can ask him about the source of it

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Tarantula Identification
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samsung SM-G715A
Focal length
3.9 mm
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File size
1.8 MB
Date taken
Wed, 06 April 2022 9:20 PM
2250px x 2696px

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