Unidentified tarantula near Phoenix, AZ

Unidentified tarantula near Phoenix, AZ

I found this little guy in Arizona a few years ago, and I thought I would see if anyone could ID it.
It’s so adorable! :happy: And yes, I agree that it’s almost certainly an Aphonopelma chalcodes spiderling.
This is a Mature Male actually. Does A. Chalcodes have such small MM?
Oh, wow, yes, I can see the pedipalps look like those of a mature male and it really is quite leggy for a sling, isn’t it? In which case it almost certainly isn’t A. chalcodes as DLS around 5” upon maturing and the legs would be much darker while the carapace remains blonde. It must be one of the smaller Aphonopelma species — maybe gabeli? Best to check the detailed info in Hamilton et al. 2016.
"Hey what kind of tarantula is this?"
"I don't know, put it on your most useful finger and let's ask AB"
As much as my maniac brain says free handle them all, you are pretty lucky you hadn't diddled something dangerous.
"Hey what kind of tarantula is this?"
"I don't know, put it on your most useful finger and let's ask AB"
As much as my maniac brain says free handle them all, you are pretty lucky you hadn't diddled something dangerous.
Well, since there are no dangerous tarantulas in AZ, and I already know that I’m not allergic to the venom, there wasn’t much of a risk.

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