Fresh pulchra

Fresh pulchra

A lovely sight after almost two years at 2” 😆 congrats buddy!
Mine is a little less than two inches now,and is dark brown in color. I can't wait till it turns velvet black in the next molt like yours did!
Awe way to grow buddy!! :kiss:
Mine is a little less than two inches now,and is dark brown in color. I can't wait till it turns velvet black in the next molt like yours did!
Mine still hasn't turned black and it is 4". I gave up hoping and bought two more. 🤣
Mine is a little less than two inches now,and is dark brown in color. I can't wait till it turns velvet black in the next molt like yours did!
Best wishes for a molt soon! It’s a wonderful thing to see when they molt out all black :)
Aww jeez! I would probably do the same haha. I hope your other two get the message. 😆
At least I'm pretty sure it is female so at least I get her for a long time. She is quite pretty anyway. I keep waiting for that next molt lol. I cant say I'm not jealous of this beautiful baby pictures.
At least I'm pretty sure it is female so at least I get her for a long time. She is quite pretty anyway. I keep waiting for that next molt lol. I cant say I'm not jealous of this beautiful baby pictures.
I can’t imagine how long they take to molt at 4” haha. I bet she is pretty! They’re such cuties at all life stages. I’m pretty sure mine is male if that helps. 😛 Are your other two pulchras slings?
I can’t imagine how long they take to molt at 4” haha. I bet she is pretty! They’re such cuties at all life stages. I’m pretty sure mine is male if that helps. 😛 Are your other two pulchras slings?
Yes the new ones are tiny babies. A little over an inch.

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Apple iPhone 7
Focal length
4.0 mm
Exposure time
Off, did not fire
File size
750.9 KB
Date taken
Sat, 26 September 2020 8:29 PM
1594px x 1594px

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