A poor trapdoor.

A poor trapdoor.

She was in my friend’s pool and moves very rarely.
If she's able to move, that's still good. Praying like mad she recovers, that's an awesome specimen in perfect shape
I know! Even if she dies I can still pin her :(. She stopped moving a little while ago so she is either dead or resting.
@MrGhostMantis try putting her in a well ventilated container with substrate in it. Stress from an unfamiliar environment can kill them quicker sometimes. From the photo it doesnt look like she's super waterlogged or anything, but she also doesn't look a species that can hold decent sized oxygen bubbles around its lungs either. Keep us updated

P.S. did the reptile park photos come through yet?
@MrGhostMantis shame, at least you did your best to save her. It's highly unusual for a female to leave her burrow, but it does at least mean they are nearby. Has they're been heavy rain in the area?
One inch of rain on last Wednesday. But she would have come from a hill. Strange. All I got from this is a spark of passion for trapdoors! She was a wonder of a spider! She will be pinned and framed now.

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