Caribena somethingorother
Approx 2.25” DLS. Got it at a LPS where it was labeled “Pink Toe tarantula”. 🤷‍♀️ I took a chance on it because it’s pretty. LOL.
Likely Avicularia avicularia.
Really? I think it looks more like the A variegata, but since I’m not knowledgeable, I posted here. It’s 2” DLS, and the legs are a different color than the carapace. The legs are a darker blue, while the carapace has a greenish tint in the natural light. I wish I could get a better picture, but it’s been hiding in the cork most of the day. I’ll try again in a couple of hours.
Really? I think it looks more like the A variegata, but since I’m not knowledgeable, I posted here. It’s 2” DLS, and the legs are a different color than the carapace. The legs are a darker blue, while the carapace has a greenish tint in the natural light. I wish I could get a better picture, but it’s been hiding in the cork most of the day. I’ll try again in a couple of hours.
To be fair, many juvenile Avicularia look similar from photos. In my experience, however, pet stores tend to sell Avicularia avicularia.
@Ungoliant Good point. My main reason I would suspect something other than a more common Avic is two fold—1) they had it only labeled as “Avicularia”, in a (awful) tank wrongly marked “Restock”; 2) It didn’t look anything like the other three of the same size which were supposedly the same species.

I am absolutely able to be wrong. The only reason I’m pressing the issue is that it would be SO FREAKING COOL to have an unusual species. Amirite? 😬

Thank you for your input, though. 👍
I am absolutely able to be wrong. The only reason I’m pressing the issue is that it would be SO FREAKING COOL to have an unusual species. Amirite? 😬
She's a cutie no matter what species she turns out to be.

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Tarantula Identification
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Apple iPhone SE
Focal length
4.2 mm
Exposure time
On, fired
File size
1.8 MB
Date taken
Fri, 06 March 2020 4:14 PM
4032px x 3024px

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