C. versicolour 2" legspan (1/2)

C. versicolour 2" legspan (1/2)

I'm still no good at ventral sexing, not exactly sure what im looking for lol im leaning towards female but I would trust someone elses opinion on this over my own. I added two photos just incase one is no good. Thanks!
Not too experienced with ventral sexing but I do think I see a pretty obvious gonoslit which would indicate a female:) so I'm leaning towards that! I would definitely wait for a molt to be completely sure of course but it looks pretty promising.

On another note, is that a live String of Pearls plant? Or fake? I absolutely love those!!!
Thats what was making me lean towards female but wasnt sure if thats what I wanted to see lol, she (i hope) is due for a molt in the next couple of weeks so I'll have to read up on molt sexing and hope for the best!

They're cut offs from a fake plant I bought from primark/pennys, didnt even know the name i just thought they would look great in the enclosure! 😂
Thats what was making me lean towards female but wasnt sure if thats what I wanted to see lol, she (i hope) is due for a molt in the next couple of weeks so I'll have to read up on molt sexing and hope for the best!

They're cut offs from a fake plant I bought from primark/pennys, didnt even know the name i just thought they would look great in the enclosure! 😂
Hahaha I know what you mean. My Avic avic just molted and I swear I saw spermathecae but upon closer examination, there really is no flap. And at 4.5", any spermathecae would be very obvious, yet I examined the molt for half an hour trying to find it. Definitely was just seeing what I wanted to see for a while there. Following that, molt sexing is MUCH easier and much more accurate. Watch a few videos on people molt sexing tarantulas and you'll have the concept down in no time.

And yes, real or fake, it definitely looks great in the enclosure! String of Pearls are super nice, so good choice.

Media information

Epiandrous fusillae sexing (Not Molts)
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Focal length
5.6 mm
Exposure time
File size
2 MB
Date taken
Sat, 18 July 2020 12:33 PM
2736px x 3648px

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