B. vagan?

B. vagan?

Yes well 8 months later..lol. I have to say that Abbey from BBR handled it great and took care of the problem. I was upset and probably could of handled it better on my part.
I have a b. Vegans sling and it looked just like that at .75 at 2' it got the black carapace. Not a b. Smithi
B. Vegans grow really fast one of the fastest growing brachypelma. Next molt your T will most li,ely get the black carpace. I have two and both started to flick hairs but settled down very quickly they are two of my best eating brachys.
if it is a B.vagans don't be upset I love the three I have, though mine were old enough to look like B.vagans when I bought them. so cant help I.D.

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