B. vagan?

B. vagan?

I bought this as a B. smithie sling 8 months ago.. Its looking like a B. vagans now. Please say that I am wrong.
ummmm... where did you buy this sling? LPS??? because too my knowledge, that is no where near a Brachy sling. no red carapace. Might need more info such as temperament, speed etc. my B. vagans looks NOTHING like that. But depending on the price and the actual species, you might have just got yourself one heck of a deal. Anyways, I cant exactly tell you what species it is but definitely not B. vagans. Red abdomen not carapace.
I don't want to mention names just yet until they've had a chance to correct this. Their reviews were bad to start with and I didn't look until after my order witch usually I always do my research first. Its temperament is pretty docile but has flicked its hairs a couple of times. The temperature Ive kept at around 80 degrees until it reached about 2, 2.5 inches then Ive kept it at around 76 degrees and misting it a few times a week. Now I keep the substrate dry with a water dish. The Tarantula is around 3.25 inches I got it at around .75 inch. So its grown that much in 8 months.
It's not a B. Smithi.. I don't know if it's B. Vagans, doesn't quite look like it, I could be wrong tough.. maybe wait for it to grow a bit
Could be B. vagans, and I'll tell you why. It definitely doesn't look mature and still appears to be a juvenile. Juvenile B. vagans can have red cephalothoraxes. You see the hairs on its rump? They are tinged a slight red (from the picture I can see). In the next few molts, you'll progressively see them get redder and redder and the cephalothorax get darker and darker.
That's pretty much what both my vagans looked like before their last molt and it looks nothing like my smithi sling.I would like know where you got them though I've heard some tales of people getting the wrong Ts both from the same place.
Thank you for the help. I did get the tarantula threw Back Water Reptiles. Sold to me as a B. smithie sling. However they are sending me a B. smithie on Monday free of charge and I don't have to send this little guy back either.

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