Another G.pulchra

Another G.pulchra

My friend's G.pulchra which is a moult behind mine.
I agree that it's a male but it looks completely different from my own one so what's going on there? If mine was male it should be more obvious given the fact this one is younger than mine.
i'll say this again if your g.pulchra's vental anywhere near look like mine in my g pulchra's V pic, then it should be a female from the looks of your pic it looks male. this pic here you say 1 molt behind yours? another molt then it would look exactly like yours.
The darker patch of hair would get less obvious as it grows then? I didn't think that was how it happened but hey you learn something new every day.
yes as the sides i mean the surrounding area darkens evry molt but the dark patch is still visible. thats what happened on my females underside it changed and darkened.
Crunchie said:
The darker patch of hair would get less obvious as it grows then? I didn't think that was how it happened but hey you learn something new every day.
No not really, the patch maintains its darkenss..... if not getting darker but as the male gets bigger he will also darken seemingly making the patch seem to get lighter in contrast but still vary visible.
When they are bigger you would also look for what I like to call the magic curtain. Its a tight dense patch of hair that points downward in that area and thats a great indication of female.

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Epiandrous fusillae sexing (Not Molts)
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