For reference. If you knew my luck with growing up slings of any Cyriocosmus species, you would understand my excitement... I think I had 1 female in 10 tries prior to this girl. Dwarf sausage party, lol.
Congratulations super happy for you . They are such a gorgeous sp I understand why you raised 10 for your female! My girl is about 3 n a half years old now, unfortunately I never see her, she's a total recluse, I get to see her every 6 months or so for about 10 mins while she webs her door then goes bk in... have yours been as reclusive?
Congratulations super happy for you . They are such a gorgeous sp I understand why you raised 10 for your female! My girl is about 3 n a half years old now, unfortunately I never see her, she's a total recluse, I get to see her every 6 months or so for about 10 mins while she webs her door then goes bk in... have yours been as reclusive?
This little one hasn't been super reclusive yet, but she's been in the little 1oz condiment cup and hasn't really had space to dig. She'll get rehoused into something a little bigger now. This is actually the first elegans I've had, but I've had 2 x C. ritae, 2 x C. perezmilesi, 3 x C. leetzi, and 3 x C. venezuelensis all turn out to be males. I've got 3 unsexed sp. oronegro and 3 unsexed sp. pinturas now, so hopefully my ratio improves! It can't get much worse, that's for sure...
This little one hasn't been super reclusive yet, but she's been in the little 1oz condiment cup and hasn't really had space to dig. She'll get rehoused into something a little bigger now. This is actually the first elegans I've had, but I've had 2 x C. ritae, 2 x C. perezmilesi, 3 x C. leetzi, and 3 x C. venezuelensis all turn out to be males. I've got 3 unsexed sp. oronegro and 3 unsexed sp. pinturas now, so hopefully my ratio improves! It can't get much worse, that's for sure...
Ah so not the sp but the genus, that is alot of males. My luck was like that with Brachypelma, I gave up n bought females instead .
Hopefully yours will stay out, I have spoken to other keepers that said theirs stay out and web rather then dig but my girl dug down the day i got her 0.5cm max dls n has always burrowed since. She never makes windows either it's a shame too they are such a stunning sp.
Always the prettiest t's that hide the most.
i have given my Cyriocosmus leezi way too much space (4x4x4") xD
coldblood wouldn't aproove it, thats for sure but you know what i dont mind the slower growth
anyway surprisingly it is out most of the time and while it does burrow, it has created a huge mat of webbing in front of its burrow and only flees back down if i disturb it, very happy with that i got to say
its only 1/4" though, so i am hoping it will keep up that behavior as it grows
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