where to draw the line?


Old Timer
Nov 6, 2003
I dont really get what some people are being concerned that tarantulas live 30+ years... really?(few pages back) They dont get attached to you like dogs or cats...
Missing the point.


Jun 21, 2010
the point imo is that you make the commitment to own something that can live for 30 years and most young people dont have it in them to make it. Its more about a loss of interest in a short amount of time rather than emotional attachment.


Old Timer
Nov 6, 2003
Yep, and frankly the same point would apply to an animal that lived 5 or 10 years.


Jun 21, 2010
thats why you see so many animals up for "rehoming" on craigslist.. I want it I want it oh I am bored with it, I dont want to clean up after it...ect.


Feb 19, 2010
thats why you see so many animals up for "rehoming" on craigslist.. I want it I want it oh I am bored with it, I dont want to clean up after it...ect.
I'm sure you guys have seen the Classified section of the forum. As far as Ts (and other reptiles) go, they do infact sell pretty easily and will usually go to a good home. On craigslist i have rarely seen any ts other than rosies up there. This point is somewhat irrelevant because I haven't seen may old world Ts up on craigslist, and this thread pertains to oldworld/advanced Ts. And no one can make a 100% commitment to somthing that will live for 30 years.


May 11, 2010
I'm 11 and I really like T's.
I spent my 2 hours every day, this past summer researching tarantulas.
I'm familiar with most tarantulas.
I'm okay with taking the risks of handling my H.mac and OBT.

Ya T's.
Ya attention span!!


Jun 21, 2010
I'm sure you guys have seen the Classified section of the forum. As far as Ts (and other reptiles) go, they do infact sell pretty easily and will usually go to a good home. On craigslist i have rarely seen any ts other than rosies up there. This point is somewhat irrelevant because I haven't seen may old world Ts up on craigslist, and this thread pertains to oldworld/advanced Ts. And no one can make a 100% commitment to somthing that will live for 30 years.

i have seen several old world T's on craigslist so the it is not irrelevent. there are 20 obt slings on right now and a H.mac where I am


Old Timer
Nov 21, 2009
Have you read any of the previous posts? T A R A N T U L A S with a bite that can put you in the H O S P I T A L should not be owned by C H I L D R E N. Keep what you want, buy what you want, get bit by what you want. I am not going to keep giving you the same point over and over again until it sinks in! If you are not mature enough { by the way big words dont make you mature} to get the point of the conversation then continuing the conversation is kind of stupid ..isnt it?
By this logic, then parents should not buy their children large breeds of dog known for aggression, because they can get bitten and put in the H O S P I T A L. :rolleyes:

But Rob will attest to the fact that this particular train of logic is bull.


Old Timer
May 20, 2009
the point imo is that you make the commitment to own something that can live for 30 years and most young people dont have it in them to make it. Its more about a loss of interest in a short amount of time rather than emotional attachment.

Boy am I glad my mom and dad didn't subscribe to this theory - otherwise I never would have had a dog, I never would have had a cat, I never would have had a parakeet, I never would have had ...


Jun 18, 2010

Boy am I glad my mom and dad didn't subscribe to this theory - otherwise I never would have had a dog, I never would have had a cat, I never would have had a parakeet, I never would have had ...
The clear difference being if your kid gets bored with a dog a cat or parakeet,there is still some enjoyment that a parent can get from them justifying keeping said pet around.Where as if your kid begs for an old world T the parent is then stuck with a pet in most cases they detest. Likely what happens next is an uncared for misunderstood pet that dies.


Old Timer
May 20, 2009
The clear difference being if your kid gets bored with a dog a cat or parakeet,there is still some enjoyment that a parent can get from them justifying keeping said pet around.Where as if your kid begs for an old world T the parent is then stuck with a pet in most cases they detest. Likely what happens next is an uncared for misunderstood pet that dies.
Oh come on, give parents just a little more credit than that - my mom and dad would never allow an uncared-for misunderstood pet to die, even if it was a tarantula - I doubt yours would either.


Old Timer
Jul 20, 2007
Oh come on, give parents just a little more credit than that - my mom and dad would never allow an uncared-for misunderstood pet to die, even if it was a tarantula - I doubt yours would either.
Then I guess your parents didn't really teach you responsibility, did they?

I have killed fish, crabs, lizards...because I didn't take care of them.

Learned my lesson.


Jun 18, 2010
Oh come on, give parents just a little more credit than that - my mom and dad would never allow an uncared-for misunderstood pet to die, even if it was a tarantula - I doubt yours would either.
I think you under estimate just how many suffer arachnophobia to one degree or another.I have a ten year old daughter who has many little friends and I have never had one of the parents walk away from our home with any more appreciation for these beautiful animals than when they walked in.If anything this merely increases the level of animosity towards spiders.It really is a shame but i have no doubt an arachnaphobic parent would most assuredly let an old world T die.They would have to be unusually cool to find it in themselves to overcome this,by all accounts irrational fear and I'm just not convinced most could.


Jun 21, 2010
By this logic, then parents should not buy their children large breeds of dog known for aggression, because they can get bitten and put in the H O S P I T A L. :rolleyes:

But Rob will attest to the fact that this particular train of logic is bull.

I am sorry but that comment wasnt thoughtout very well...A dog can be trained! can your tarantulas roll over? Fetch ? go for a walk on a leash? :embarrassed: comparing dogs to tarantulas is like comparing......well dogs and tarantulas...they are complete opposites that cannot be compared


Old Timer
May 20, 2009
Then I guess your parents didn't really teach you responsibility, did they?

I have killed fish, crabs, lizards...because I didn't take care of them.

Learned my lesson.
This qualifies as the most asinine commentary ever posted on this forum.
Last edited:


Old Timer
May 31, 2010
I pinch grabbed my P ornata and had it bite my 10 year old on the face. That way he knows what it's like!

All kidding aside, and to comment on the original post, I think it's too relative on too many factors to come up with a good, solid answer. My 10 year old could care for an H mac very well. My 8 year old would probably be 16 and let a Rosy die. Because he's just that way. It's all relative, however I'm not against a minor owning a "hot" T if he/she is responsible and mature enough to care for the animal.


Chief Cook n Bottlewasher
Old Timer
Sep 29, 2004
This qualifies as the most asinine commentary ever posted on this forum.
I do not see where Joe's logic fails. ( plus I corrected your spelling )

While I may think Joe's bluntness can rub some people the wrong way, I can't think of a time when I flat out disagreed with his post ( W.H. religion posts excluded :p)

If parents step in and "Do it for them, for the sake of the animal" the kids really do not get the full lesson. with the exception of higher animals I agree with the lesson that a dead pet can teach a child.

If humane reasons get in your way start with a plant, cockroach or a local spider.

to put this on topic, I say if you'd leave your kid alone for a 24hr period, they are responsible enough to have an O.W. agreeing with many that maturity says it all.
with some extra caveats - the O.W. can't be their first T - the enclosure has an extra secure mechanism.


Old Timer
Nov 6, 2003

Boy am I glad my mom and dad didn't subscribe to this theory - otherwise I never would have had a dog, I never would have had a cat, I never would have had a parakeet, I never would have had ...
Did the sonic boom hurt your ears?
I ask because the point of the conversation rocketed over your heard at a fairly high mach number.

The parent (this case your mom) has to decide of he or she is willing to take on responsibility for the animal should things no work out. Either caring for, or selling/finding a new home for said critter. In the case of a tarantula this assumes a parent that's paying close enough attention to the well being of the animal to notice (or care) when things are going downhill.

This sort of thing-----> {D{D{D{D isn't doing you any favors if your wish is to be taken seriously here.
I also find it curious how you're able to determine what the most asinine thing ever posted in this forum is give your short time here. I can say without reservation that while you have some competition, you're in the running for this particular thread.


Jun 21, 2010
Oh come on, give parents just a little more credit than that - my mom and dad would never allow an uncared-for misunderstood pet to die, even if it was a tarantula - I doubt yours would either.

20 years ago no .... today with how people have to work all the time just to make ends meet and the way I have seen alot of parents give in to their childrens whims to make them happy and quiet. I have little doubt that a parent would let a T curl up and die with no more notice than when a shooting star passes overhead at 3 am while they are sleeping.

"Oh mom I want one I will take care of it and feed it and clean up after it!" "Ok Billy I will buy you one Just be quiet for a minute while mommy is on the phone."

Face facts as much as we want people to be good and take care of pets like they should ...some just dont! I purchased two corn snakes from a kid {14} who had let them all but starve and die of dehydration. The parents couldnt care less. The money for the snakes went to buy a dog that I have no doubt was treated the same way. The father told me when I bought them that they "just bought it to shut him up"