T. Blondi missing fangs... update.


Old Timer
Jul 20, 2007

I like how you use quotes to mock what I say... I emailed the retard twice and both times he said he was 100% sure it was a blondi. The third time I gave him the address to this thread and he saw the pix. And he says "Okay... it's an Apophysis." He has no more T's and I'm sure Ken the bug guy isn't going to give me a blondi. So I'm stuck with this stupid thing, maybe I should just let it die next time. I didn't feel comfortable with buying on the internet, but I wanted a blondi so bad that I finally did... see what happens? I'm sick of everyone telling me what I'm doing wrong, I really don't care anymore... "Too wet, too dry, too hot, too cold, it's the wrong substrate no matter what I have in there, substrate isn't deep enough... FORGET IT.... I'll just do whatever the heck I feel like doing, and you people can just DEAL.
And this is why you should not own tarantulas. You obviously don't care about their well-being.

I suggest you grow up.


Old Timer
Aug 27, 2002

I emailed the retard twice and both times he said he was 100% sure it was a blondi. The third time I gave him the address to this thread and he saw the pix. And he says "Okay... it's an Apophysis."
For the record, I didn't come here and look at the pictures until just now. I said "Okay... it's an Aphophysis." because I have no desire to argue the point with you. This "retard" knows enough to know a couple of people identifying a T from a picture does not change the identification provided by the breeder. Your experience and knowledge in this matter is evident by your own posts. I feel no need to defend mine, but wasn't going to let you skew the facts in regards to what I have said or done.



Old Timer
Jul 16, 2008
wow dude i can understand getting mad for constant reaming but saying you'll just let it die proves everyones point that you don't care for this magnificent creature

hold in there lil fella:(


Old Timer
Aug 29, 2008
Hey Botar...

Glad to see you here. I used to buy from you as a kid when you'd come to Omaha. I've purchased many t's from you and was extremely sad to see that you'd stopped. Anyways for the record I've bought many t's from Botar and never had a problem with a single one. I wish Ace would just lay down the guard for a second and try to take some of this advice and use it. I've been keeping t's for over 15yrs and still have numerous questions to ask. And I'm honored to get the free advice that I'm given. No, you don't have to agree with everyone, but get some opinions and make your own decisions based on what you've learned. Being rude doesn't help and discourages anyone from giving you advice in the future. Please if you plan to be a T keeper take the advice and do what you will, but don't be rude, your just going to get negative responses from people who really really know what there talking about because there frustrated about being nice enough to help and getting negativity in response-NOT COOL-GOOD LUCK, I'm done here.:confused:

PS: The things Botar has done for the hobby we all enjoy is honorable to say the least. I hardly believe he deserves to b called a "retard" without him many of us wouldn't even know the hobby existed. Thanks Botar for poppin in.
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Old Timer
Jan 7, 2008
You're right, he didn't deserve how I treated him. It's kind of like how everyone on here treats me. I listened to advice, and I'm not trying to act like I know everything, I've learned alot of new things from here. Just going through all this arguing and explaining just for people to humiliate me by telling me it's not what I thought it was is pretty frustrating. And no, I wouldn't just let it die... I'm not like that. I spent a half hour trying to carefully pull that T out of it's molt. I actually spend alot of time with all of them making sure they have everything they need. I really don't see why everyone has to be a jerk just because they think I don't know anything. Anyway... I wouldn't get rid of this T even if it isn't the right species. And if it isn't, then hopefully I'll eventually be able to get the right one. Sorry Botar, I spoke much too quickly about this, I was just really mad at the time. And I actually would still buy from you if I could.


Old Timer
May 3, 2006
My T. blondi was a year and a month old when I got him and his feet were pink. After he molted twice he grew out of it.

Did your spider eat the useless leg or did you find it in the cage?


Old Timer
Jan 7, 2008
they are actually more like tan than pink. I've looked over alot of pics and compared them to what he looks like now. I'm pretty sure it's a blondi.

found the leg in his tank.


Old Timer
Jan 7, 2008
Well it has been exactly 3 months today since his last molt. He has stopped eating, looks really fat and dull, and has lost most of the hairs on his back.

I was borrowing my parents laptop when I posted the other pics. I just gave it back to them, so I'll have to wait to post new 1's till I get my own laptop. Which should be soon hopefully.

PS.... 5.25" M. Robustum recently molted, not sure how big now. Probably 5.75" - 6".


Old Timer
Feb 4, 2008
I don't see why you feel bad for the blondi. Advice was given and received and changes were made.


Old Timer
Jan 7, 2008
Well he molted again and got slightly stuck in it. The humidity was very high, enough that water was dripping from the lid. It was 85 degrees and the substrate was soaked. He molted in a hole I dug last week. The old molt stuck to the underside of his abdomen, so I gently pulled it off with no damage done. Also, his leg did not regenerate at all. It looked like it was bleeding so I puttwo coats of New Skin on it. It's been over 48 hours and he seems to still be doing well.


Old Timer
Aug 29, 2008
Well he molted again and got slightly stuck in it. The humidity was very high, enough that water was dripping from the lid. It was 85 degrees and the substrate was soaked. He molted in a hole I dug last week. The old molt stuck to the underside of his abdomen, so I gently pulled it off with no damage done. Also, his leg did not regenerate at all. It looked like it was bleeding so I puttwo coats of New Skin on it. It's been over 48 hours and he seems to still be doing well.
I'm not 100% sure here but, doesn't the new growth take place after they've molted? Maybe should have given it a little time to see if it started to reginerate the leg some after the molt? It may have just needed a little time to start to grow once it had molted, like when they stretch out afterwords? I may be completely off here, this is just what I thought. Someone please correct me if I'm wrong. In any case, I hope everything works out for you and your T, good luck.


Old Timer
Jan 7, 2008
If it's anything like the fangs, they were back as soon as he came out of the old skin. Pretty sure the molting process is the only way their body changes.


Old Timer
Sep 19, 2005
New growth takes place before a molt, under the old skin.

I wouldn't worry too much about his leg not regrowing yet, he is small enough that there is plenty of time for it to grow back. As long as he isn't bleeding and can eat ok then all is well in his little spidey world.


Old Timer
Jul 20, 2007
How does he look? Could you post a pic?

I'm very interested in the whole blondi/apophysis thing. I'm wondering if he still is showing pink on his legs?

Thanks. :)



Old Timer
Jan 7, 2008
He looks very black and his legs look like they did before. But I still think they are more tan than pink. The Botar dude won't say anything back, but he was sure it was a blondi. I still haven't been able to get a laptop to post pix (this is a PS3), maybe I can post some from my parents' house if I get over there soon.


Old Timer
Jan 7, 2008
Been a while, the Blondi is still alive and doing fine. He's pretty fat and won't really eat anymore. I've been keeping it really wet in there all the time. A strange thing happened though. I mentioned that I dug a hole for him in the dirt and he molted in it... Well it wasn't long after and he filled it in... so that you couldn't even tell it had been there. I figured it caved in, or he did it by accident. So I dug it again and made sure it was nice and sturdy. He filled it in again! Has anyone seen this before? Especially a burrower???


Old Timer
Nov 27, 2008
Hey Ace

I hope u will end up with the right conditions one day and that the spider stops having bad molts.
It seems like u are doing the "humidity part" right now, but its still wont molt correct.
I dont really have an idea to what might be wrong in your case.
Some spiders might just be more sensitive within the same species, just like humans are not all the same.
Some are always sick, and some never gets sick.

But what i DO KNOW, is that it is not a blondi u have there, but a Apophysis like mentioned before.

Here is a VERY good tread to read and with lots of pictures.


Look for the pink feet.
That is the easy way to tell a blondi from a Apophysis when the are juv.

The good thing, even though u really wanted a blondi, is that these 2 spider looks pretty much the same when the are adult.
And thats why so many are beeing wrong when the are breedting this species

Good luck