Quick Reference guide to answer common questions

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Malleus Aranearum
Staff member
Mar 7, 2012
I got the T. Almost 2 mo. Ago and it has not molted since I got her. (I'm using "her/ she" loosely as I won't know the sex until it gets older.) She is a burrower as they usually are until they get older, but she refuses to eat for about a month now and it looks like she closed up her burrow a little bit. Is that a tell tale sign that she is about to molt soon?.
Given this ravenous appetite that this species is known to have, if it is refusing prey and sealing itself in, there is a good chance that it is in pre-molt.

Have you gotten a look at the abdomen? In the days before a sling is about to molt, the abdomen often looks shiny and dark.


Tarantula Ben

Jan 7, 2017
Given this ravenous appetite that this species is known to have, if it is refusing prey and sealing itself in, there is a good chance that it is in pre-molt.

Have you gotten a look at the abdomen? In the days before a sling is about to molt, the abdomen often looks shiny and dark.

That is what I'm thinking and the only thing is I cannot check out the abdomen since every time I open its little container it runs into its burrow in the Heights but I haven't seen it on top of the sub trait since it close in its burrow. The weird thing is I got a Mexican red knee sling at the same time and that T. Molted a month after I got it so I was assuming that the other one should have molted by now
My A. Geniculata molted! I checked on her earlier, and even though she is in her burrow, I could see her old molt, and her new body looks grey and bigger too! I'm excited and relieved!
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Mar 24, 2017
This doesnt seem to be the most active thread but hopefully someone sees this and answers me. Ive been reading through a lot of threads and seeing "EWL" kindof scattered around. I searched it here and everywhere else i could think and found nothing. Im just curious of the meaning and thought here would be a good place to ask without clogging the other threads with newbie dumb stuff. Thanks in advance!


Staff member
Feb 22, 2013
This doesnt seem to be the most active thread but hopefully someone sees this and answers me. Ive been reading through a lot of threads and seeing "EWL" kindof scattered around. I searched it here and everywhere else i could think and found nothing. Im just curious of the meaning and thought here would be a good place to ask without clogging the other threads with newbie dumb stuff. Thanks in advance!
*sees an inactive thread* Better reply! ;)

Just make a new thread, mate. But EWL means "eggs with legs", which is the stage right after a literal egg.

Arianna Patterson

May 2, 2018
So I thought I would try and put links and information collected over the years into one thread, to try and make it easier for new members to find answers to all the simple questions asked over and over and over again, and also for all of us veterans to be able to have quick "reference" as well as something to direct the new members to when they ask for help.

So, here's a quick table of contents and hopefully this will end up as a sticky! ;)

Table of Contents:

  • Anything and Everything About G. rosea (Chilean Rose Hair)
    • Post #2
  • Basic Tarantula Anatomy
    • Post #3
  • Premolt and Molting
    • Post #4
  • Scientific Name Pronunciation
    • Post #5
  • Substrate Choices and Preferences
    • Post #6
  • Enclosure Choices and Preferences
    • Post #7
  • "What species should I get next?"
    • Post #8
  • Roaches vs Crickets vs Mealworms vs Everything Else
    • Post #9
  • Communal Setups
    • Post #10
  • Hybridization
    • Post #11
  • "I want a spider that..."
    • Post #12
  • Species Care Sheets
    • Post #13
  • Shipping
    • Post #14
  • Feeding Schedules/Quantities
    • Post #15
  • Heat Mats/Lamps/Packs
    • Post #16
  • Old World/New World
    • Post #17
  • Species List Without Tibial Spurs
    • Post #18
  • General Good Reading
    • Post #19

I'm sure I'll be adding more to the Table of Contents as this thread matures.
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