My OBT usambara starburst isn't aggressive yet


Mar 5, 2013
Maybe you need poke it with your finger to find out about the respect you should have for it. We just had someone within the past week attach a video showing a guy doing exactly what you are to an OBT in a cup, and it raced out in a millisecond and bit him. Does that seem like a good idea to you?

Where can I see this video ???


No this is Patrick
Old Timer
May 26, 2009
And now to return to the topic at hand :

To the OP - by all means continue the mishandling of that OBT . However I hope that you understand that they are more then capable of easily running up that pencil and landing three or four solid bites before you could even hope to react . I would describe the pain as similar to being jabbed with a red hot needle . Don't worry the swelling and burning won't last more then a few days . Some people have reported feeling light headed and nauseous but I'm sure you'll be okay . In the two plus decades of herding OBTs I can say that they are possibly one of the most unforgiving animals that I can think off . Millions of years of evolution in one of the World's most inhospitable regions have taught them to be the ultimate OW bad-ass . They are more then happy to show you that . Please keep Ts responsibly .

To everyone else - Heed the warning that Hobo gave the other day about thread becoming nothing but bickering and pissing contests . Trust me when I say back in the day they use to hand out bans like they were hot cakes . It is unwise to anger a staff member . Even old Boris got a time out once or twice .


Old Timer
Feb 27, 2011
I've raised four OBT from sling to adult (3.1). None of them ever offered a threat pose, being more inclined to flight than fight. I also never poked or prodded or did anything to instigate any defensive behaviors from them. My adult female is about 6 years old, her last exuvia measured right at 6 inches. She usually just moseys into her webbed labyrinth when she feels her lid being opened. Occasionally she'll sit out for photos.
I offer her space and respect. A couple of things I do habitually around all my spiders- I usually wear a surgical mask to avoid breathing on them ( and to avoid any errant urticating hairs from NW), and I never reach over the top of an enclosure. I always approach enclosures from the side(s) so as to minimize any shadow effect or air current that would be indicative to them of a predator.


Nov 5, 2014
I prodded him with a pencil to see if he'd bite it but hes shy. Is that normal?
hehe, I have a scar from my "shy" OBT on my right hand from doing this exact same thing. I actually contemplated cutting my arm off to ease the pain he caused me.

I would HIGHLY advise not poking of things what move faster than light, and have fangs and lava venom.
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Staff member
Apr 11, 2010
MOD NOTE: Once again a thread goes off topic and has to be cleaned up do to childish bickering. Warnings have been sent out and anymore of this pathetic behavior will result in suspensions. Tread lightly.......


Mar 26, 2013
hehe, I have a scar from my "shy" OBT on my right hand from doing this exact same thing. I actually contemplated cutting my arm off to ease the pain he caused me.

I would HIGHLY advise not poking of things what move faster than light, and have fangs and lava venom.

Many people don't realize how fast these situations can get out of control and leave you in a lot of pain. 20 years ago I had a 2" OBT juvenile run out of it's cage & across the floor; I instinctively reached out and cupped my hand to stop it, thinking it would just hide under the shade of my hand while I grabbed a catch cup (after that, I always keep catch cups closer). It never slowed down and ran over my hand instead; scratched my hand with it's fangs as it raced over. It wasn't a bite, no puncture marks, just scratched the surface of my skin. It immediately felt like I got several simultaneous wasp stings. The pain and throbbing kept up for several hours. For months after that, that finger was very stiff in the mornings, like arthritis. Had that little spider sunk it's fangs in and given me a full dose of venom, it would been a much more painful experience. I can't imagine getting bitten by an adult. I love OW's, and have a majority of them, but I never want to get bitten. I don't understand people who push their luck with them, thinking 'Nothing will happen', or if it does, it's 'No big deal.' Speed, unpredictability, and venom are what's kept OW's alive for millions of years against some relentless and formidable predators. That formula works. You don't want to find out how well it works.


No this is Patrick
Old Timer
May 26, 2009
Many people don't realize how fast these situations can get out of control and leave you in a lot of pain. 20 years ago I had a 2" OBT juvenile run out of it's cage & across the floor; I instinctively reached out and cupped my hand to stop it, thinking it would just hide under the shade of my hand while I grabbed a catch cup (after that, I always keep catch cups closer). It never slowed down and ran over my hand instead; scratched my hand with it's fangs as it raced over. It wasn't a bite, no puncture marks, just scratched the surface of my skin. It immediately felt like I got several simultaneous wasp stings. The pain and throbbing kept up for several hours. For months after that, that finger was very stiff in the mornings, like arthritis. Had that little spider sunk it's fangs in and given me a full dose of venom, it would been a much more painful experience. I can't imagine getting bitten by an adult. I love OW's, and have a majority of them, but I never want to get bitten. I don't understand people who push their luck with them, thinking 'Nothing will happen', or if it does, it's 'No big deal.' Speed, unpredictability, and venom are what's kept OW's alive for millions of years against some relentless and formidable predators. That formula works. You don't want to find out how well it works.
Next to a Lionfish sting , an OBT bite is the worse thing I've felt . However the only reason I put the Lionfish at the top is because the sting seemed like it hurt for a month. The OBT was an adult and it was just a quick top off of her water bowl . It happened so fast that I almost wasn't sure I had been bitten . Then the fire shot up my arm and I knew for sure .


Dec 25, 2014

They aren't "aggressive" but defensive. Aggressive is a very wrong term to use, just exactly like "docile" or such.
Probably (probably... that's their behavior, in general, but always depends) within some molts you will notice a difference in that.

Anyway, enjoy your 'OBT', they are wonderful Theraphosidae, and stay/remain safe, always. That's always the best, for you and your eight legged ;-)


Aug 14, 2014
Next to a Lionfish sting , an OBT bite is the worse thing I've felt . However the only reason I put the Lionfish at the top is because the sting seemed like it hurt for a month. The OBT was an adult and it was just a quick top off of her water bowl . It happened so fast that I almost wasn't sure I had been bitten . Then the fire shot up my arm and I knew for sure .
Lionfish have become invasive in south FL. We used to catch them and have lionfish derbies to try to eradicate them. Isn't doing much good. I wouldn't ever want to be stung by one.


No this is Patrick
Old Timer
May 26, 2009
Lionfish have become invasive in south FL. We used to catch them and have lionfish derbies to try to eradicate them. Isn't doing much good. I wouldn't ever want to be stung by one.
I was just a kid working my first job in a pet shop . I reached into a tank to grab a net that has been dropped in . I never saw the darn fish but sure did feel him . My boss grabbed me and dragged me into the backroom and ran hot water over the injection site . Not boiling mind you just very hot . He said it would begin to breakdown the proteins in the venom . So try to imagine receiving a burning painful sting and then running hot water over it . It sounds like something Steve O would do .


Aug 14, 2014
Yep that's what I was told too if we got stung whilst scuba diving. Sorry you had to experience that.


Dec 25, 2014
Lionfish have become invasive in south FL. We used to catch them and have lionfish derbies to try to eradicate them. Isn't doing much good. I wouldn't ever want to be stung by one.
Yeah, those are one of the nightmare of sea divers... along with Tetradontidae (don't know their common name in English, we call those in Italy "Pesce palla" "Ball fish") and Synanceia verrucosa ("stonefish") a friend of mine in Egypt years ago got a close call with him, lol, he was on pure "luck at it's finest" mode on.


Aug 14, 2014
Yeah, those are one of the nightmare of sea divers... along with Tetradontidae (don't know their common name in English, we call those in Italy "Pesce palla" "Ball fish") and Synanceia verrucosa ("stonefish") a friend of mine in Egypt years ago got a close call with him, lol, he was on pure "luck at it's finest" mode on.

cold blood

Staff member
Jan 19, 2014
Don't forget about barracuda.....a fish with a large head full of sharp teeth that's attracted to anything diving masks. The damage they can and do cause is horrible.


Aug 14, 2014
Don't forget about barracuda.....a fish with a large head full of sharp teeth that's attracted to anything diving masks. The damage they can and do cause is horrible.
We used to swim with barracudas all the time around us and it was pretty creepy because they would follow you closely but if you approach them they would flee.


Oct 1, 2015
Quick question on the subject of OBT's. Is there another T with those basic looks that's slightly less defensive? I adore their coloration but the idea of something as quick as my psalmos with an old world bite first attitude doesn't seem all that enjoyable to me. Plus so many folks say they tend to be pet holes.
I don't mind a bit of attitude, just not looking for extreme attitude.


Nov 16, 2015
We used to swim with barracudas all the time around us and it was pretty creepy because they would follow you closely but if you approach them they would flee.
Got chased by one in Jamaica. Things scared the daylights out of me.