Live Plants in Habitats?


Old Timer
Jan 5, 2008
Thanks for all the advice! I will definitely take some pics once I get things setup, after all I'm sure I'll need more advice then ;) The guy at the reptile store wants me to buy him a light but I'm not quite sure about it yet. I've still got some more reading to do!

if you really want to be ahead of the the Tarantula Keepers Guide. The light is totally unnecessary he is a salesman and will sell you anything right now. Tarantulas are nocturnal so the light is pointless. If I try to get a look at my T's when there are in there hides...I use a flashlight. Any indirect light coming in from outside during the day is just fine. Will look forward to the pics :)


Jan 22, 2008
if you really want to be ahead of the the Tarantula Keepers Guide. The light is totally unnecessary he is a salesman and will sell you anything right now. Tarantulas are nocturnal so the light is pointless. If I try to get a look at my T's when there are in there hides...I use a flashlight. Any indirect light coming in from outside during the day is just fine. Will look forward to the pics :)
That is kind of what I was thinking. I have a copy of that book I'm waiting for in the mail right now :) Figured it'd be handy to have on around.


Old Timer
Aug 18, 2004
Other plants that might work. I'd stick with pothos if you are a brown thumb...but for adventurous people the possibilities are endless! Adding light will increase your choices but many plants do fine with ambient lighting. Those are usually plants adapted to growing in the understory of the rainforest(pothos crawls around until it finds a tree it can climb up into the light to mature into its adult form, so the juvenile form we keep is very shade tolerant)
Syngonium podophyllum(arrowhead vine)

Parlour palm(Chaemodora sp.)

Monstera(not deliciosa unless you want the plant to come crawling out of the tank).

Aeschyanthus or Columnea(goldfish plant)



Jan 22, 2008
Other plants that might work. I'd stick with pothos if you are a brown thumb...but for adventurous people the possibilities are endless! Adding light will increase your choices but many plants do fine with ambient lighting. Those are usually plants adapted to growing in the understory of the rainforest(pothos crawls around until it finds a tree it can climb up into the light to mature into its adult form, so the juvenile form we keep is very shade tolerant)
Syngonium podophyllum(arrowhead vine)

Parlour palm(Chaemodora sp.)

Monstera(not deliciosa unless you want the plant to come crawling out of the tank).

Aeschyanthus or Columnea(goldfish plant)

Actually I LOVE houseplants, but I have five flighted parrots that only allow me to keep two or three bird safe plants. It's nice to have somewhere I can nicely grow a few plants. I think eventually I'll have to invest in a larger cage (when my beeb grows a little) and lights and timers so I can have a nice habitat with a few different plants in it. I'm really loving tarantula keeping the more I learn about it! I have five parrots that keep me busy so I'm not looking for something I have to hold or anything, I'm quite happy to know they dont want to be near me at all, haha!


Old Timer
Oct 31, 2005
Here's my new vivarium i made last weekend for a 5" Female Versicolor. It's fun setting up a new eco-system, plus it keeps the humidity high and has to make the T feel alittle more secure. The plants i have in this one are; "neanthe bella Palm" Chamaedorea elegans, "moon valley Pilea" Pilea mollis The crinkly leafed plant, and some asst. Foliage at the top. I got them all at Lowes, One thing that I would suggest would be to rinse off the foliage before planting in the vivarium, Who knows what kind of pesticides/chemicals might have been applied in the nursery. Once you get it all set-up they're more fun to look at in my opinion than a slab of cork and a fake vine. About the mite point, Im pretty sure that there is a predatory mite that could be introduced that would remedy the issue if it arises.

Here's my female Klassi next to her cactus, I forgot what species it is but its cool, It has dull woody brach type spikes. Becareful while choosing cacti, some can be very sharp and it would suck to look in and see your favorite T impaled on a cactus spike.
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