Do you look like a spider person???


Feb 7, 2017
might as well..
5'9 give or take, dark hair, glasses, paler skin color. enjoy metallica, green day, etc. but dont mind listening to just about anything. no tattoos, beard or anything. just a fairly normal looking dude. people are of course surprised to hear to i keep 40 giant spiders in the basement regardless of my appearance.
That's the spirit, Venom!!! ;)

cold blood

Staff member
Jan 19, 2014
I'm 5'10, blonde, green eyes...relatively thin, being 165lb, not a beefcake, but good muscle structure:) Being on the water a lot, I tan ridiculously easy. No tats, piercings or anything...just me. My dog is always with me, so I am known by most as a dog person...others know me simply as a fisherman....I'm happiest with a bent rod in hand and a dog at my side.

I love the people I know...I hate everyone motto is "I hate people"...but I'm by no means unfriendly....maybe a little socially awkward though as I don't like crowds or a lot of noises. And I hate shoes....if I lived in a warm climate I would wear sandals or go barefoot every day....socks are the worst. I also hate jeans.


cold blood

Staff member
Jan 19, 2014
Yeah, that's true. Where I live people are giants for some reason. Most people here are six foot or taller. It must be the cheese here!
Yeah lots of big old corn/beef fed farm boys up your way.:wideyed:

Always makes me think of that line in the movie Stripes.

One guy says, "It will be easy, like going into Wisconsin"

And the reply is "Yeah, I got me a$$ kicked in Wisconsin once."


Nov 12, 2016
Yeah lots of big old corn/beef fed farm boys up your way.:wideyed:

Always makes me think of that line in the movie Stripes.

One guy says, "It will be easy, like going into Wisconsin"

And the reply is "Yeah, I got me a$$ kicked in Wisconsin once."
Lol, yeah. We got some rough characters around. Just don't walk downtown at night alone. One of my brothers got jumped once. I never got jumped, but I ran like a little girl at one point. I don't know what they wanted but they were chasing me. I wasn't sticking around to find out either. Typically when someone is chasing you that you don't know, they probably aren't interested in tea and crumpets or nothing.

D Sherlod

Dec 30, 2016
Ok I'll play.. I'm Irish.. So I'm short and broad shouldered.. Blue green eyes, 5'8 and try to stay around 200 pounds.. Any less and I look sick any more and I look obese..

I'm 35 so the grays are creaping in.. I love my touch of gray look. I have a full mustache and beard .. I keep my hair one of two ways. A messy bed head Fohawk or damn near bald.. I wear a baseball hat when possible.

I live in hoodies and shorts, I wear pants only when necessary.. I Mainly wear black, white/ khaki, dark blue or grey.

I have stretched ear lobes a stretched labret and a lot of tattoo's..

People allways tell me I look sad which is hysterical.. I'm a clown that takes most things with a grain of salt.. I am a deep and creative thinker so I guess they mistake that for brooding.. My heavy brow and deep set eyes probably doesn't help much..

So I don't know if I look like a tarantula person since one of the smartest tarantula keepers I know is a female accountant another is a biker another an artist another is...well you get the idea..

There is no stereotypical looking Tarantula keeper.
Funny the only people that think there is a stereotypical tarantula keeper, is someone who never owned a tarantula.

By the way I'm irish as well, I was born in Dublin ,,, now live in Canada

cold blood

Staff member
Jan 19, 2014
Dang @cold blood that's a huge catfish. The dog is Awesome :) This is my best buddy Francis and his side kicks Wednesday and Dennis. Yep, my boy cat is named Dennis lol.
So cool that you named your cat after me...I'm flattered:astonished::astonished:

Yeah, the dog (Dolly) is a pretty cool dog...little ball of fire, but well mannered enough that I can pretty much take her anywhere. The cat was an incidental...I was actually salmon fishing....thing looked like a shark coming up from the dark...she was about 35lb...not bad for a channel cat.
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Dec 24, 2016
Late 20's, hourglass figure, no make up, occult tattoos, thick glasses. Back of my head is shaved, and my short hair is somewhere between mad scientist and hobo. I wear men's pants and nerdy tshirts.. or long hippie skirts and tanktops. I look like a cat person, according to my bff.


Nov 12, 2016
@cold blood what breed is your dog? I take mine places as well, and she is real well behaved. But she doesn't like boats, cars, or water, so I'm really limited.She doesn't really like anything that moves. My dog is a collie, the large breed. Kinda like lassie. :astonished: My parents got the dog for me when I was in my younger days so I didn't get to choose the breed since they were buying. o_O Although, I wanted a dog that would swim, and enjoy car rides with its head hanging out the window, I have had this dog for 12 years. Wouldn't dare get any other dog know. It's just such a good, honorable dog. I bred it when it when it was like 4 and kept one of the puppies. Well that got to 6 and died just this spring from health issues. My original dog was so sad, stopped eating and didn't want to do anything so I ended up buying another puppy for a around a grand which I think made it a little happier.;) Collie as well.

cold blood

Staff member
Jan 19, 2014
@cold blood what breed is your dog? I take mine places as well, and she is real well behaved. But she doesn't like boats, cars, or water, so I'm really limited.
She is a boxer, my second...had a Doberman before the boxers...great breed.

Man that is limiting. Dolly loves the boat...just fished a tournament with her in the boat last night.



May 24, 2017
I'm 6'1" with strawberry blonde hair, dark red beard. No tattoos. Typically keep a clean look, but sometimes let my hair and beard go into Sasquatch level wild. People that know me well aren't all too surprised I have T's. People that don't usually have that Marv from Home Alone look on their face when they find out. Don't know if I really classify as looking like a spider person.