Considering getting my first tarantula...


Dec 3, 2018
I recommend the first spider
1. All types of Brachypelma - large, colorful, voracious.
2. Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens - beautifully colored, gluttonous and wonderful cobwebs.
3. Caribena Versicolor - a beautiful arboreal spider.
Of course, the choice is yours

The Grym Reaper

Jul 19, 2016
2. Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens - beautifully colored, gluttonous and wonderful cobwebs.
I wouldn't recommend these to a beginner with arachnophobia, they're pretty fast and prone to bolting.

3. Caribena Versicolor - a beautiful arboreal spider.
Not really an ideal first tarantula either seeing as they aren't massively tolerant of newbie errors.


Dec 3, 2018
As for the versicolor, I agree with you that they are not immune to beginner mistakes, but it's not necessarily about the chromatic. He is a fast spider but with a minimum of caution and prudence he is a spider to grasp .

The Grym Reaper

Jul 19, 2016
@pose If the OP was your average beginner then I'd agree (I still think they're a better 2nd tarantula but they're do-able for a beginner) but the last thing you want when you're trying to get over a phobia of spiders is one that has a proclivity for bolting/erratic behaviour because that'll;

a) have the opposite effect and;
b) increase the risk of harm to the animal.


Dec 12, 2017
There are probably 100s of threads and vids dealing with good beginner species...but for an arachnophobe, I recommend something I don't recommend for enthusiastic beginners...and this is coming from a former arachnophobe.....get an adult female rose hair. This is a group of Chilean ts with slow growth, low metabolism and ridiculous ease of care (porteri, rosea, sp. north)...the reason I recommend them to arachnophobes is the same reason I don't recommend them to enthusiastic beginners....this is their sedentary nature.
Fast movements, excessive movement or wandering, flicking hairs....These are all things that peak the phobia. A rose hair just sits there calmly, even when working around them usually...this will give you the confidence to work around them and will in time, significantly help with the yips. Perfect observational t for a phobe.

This is a bad practice and a horrible way to educate. Handling is a selfish act, that holds NO value for the t, but presents a myriad of potential dangers. It's an old way of thought from a time when we only had a handful of docile species and were a whole lot less educated about them. They are best seen as observational pets, more like fish....There are probably hundreds of pets that would be better choices to handle....a fragile, venomous animal with no brain and centimeter long fangs isn't the right choice.

I equate teaching by handling to teaching drivers ed by showing how to do break stands, donuts and burnouts.
There are probably 100s of threads and vids dealing with good beginner species...but for an arachnophobe, I recommend something I don't recommend for enthusiastic beginners...and this is coming from a former arachnophobe.....get an adult female rose hair. This is a group of Chilean ts with slow growth, low metabolism and ridiculous ease of care (porteri, rosea, sp. north)...the reason I recommend them to arachnophobes is the same reason I don't recommend them to enthusiastic beginners....this is their sedentary nature.
Fast movements, excessive movement or wandering, flicking hairs....These are all things that peak the phobia. A rose hair just sits there calmly, even when working around them usually...this will give you the confidence to work around them and will in time, significantly help with the yips. Perfect observational t for a phobe.

This is a bad practice and a horrible way to educate. Handling is a selfish act, that holds NO value for the t, but presents a myriad of potential dangers. It's an old way of thought from a time when we only had a handful of docile species and were a whole lot less educated about them. They are best seen as observational pets, more like fish....There are probably hundreds of pets that would be better choices to handle....a fragile, venomous animal with no brain and centimeter long fangs isn't the right choice.

I equate teaching by handling to teaching drivers ed by showing how to do break stands, donuts and burnouts.

They are a good starter, but sometimes you get those psycho Rosies that all they want to do is pretend they are an OW ;)


Feb 2, 2018
I’d agree with @The Grym Reaper and get a juvenile or sub adult Brachypelma albopilosum. Easily available, good eaters, usually docile, great to look at, not too fast and easy to care for.


Jan 12, 2016
Not sure on availability in the UK, but Eupalaestrus campestratus might be a good option as well. Next to the H.chilensis the most easy going spider I've had. Maybe even more easy going because the H.chilensis can be curious and decide to try and walk out of its enclosure or on your hand. E campestratus will just be sitting still being cute while you do maintenance. Unless there's food. Then all bets are off, :rofl:

Karl Parker

Mar 18, 2018
Thanks again for all the feedback. Been doing a lot of research and looking at suitable habitats etc. Sadly my local pet shop which I was going to check in with I found out are downsizing and are discontinuing all invertebrates and reptiles which is such a shame, they were one of the last that dealt in a large range in my area. So guess I'll have to check online which leads me to ask aside from spidershop does anyone recommend any sites?


Aug 31, 2018
does anyone recommend any sites?
thespidershop is probs your best bet. Really good selection and also supply equipment. Got my first B. albo with a starter kit from them. I would not recommend a starter kit though, you get sold a bunch of useless stuff. are a Polish company which is really popular. Prices are super cheap but shipping is a little more expensive so best to buy in bulk from there to get your moneys worth. They aren't shipping at the moment as temperatures are too low. Other than those two you could go private and find a breeder through forums or facebook groups. There are a lot of people on here who have a good reputation.


Sep 26, 2018
I’d agree with @The Grym Reaper and get a juvenile or sub adult Brachypelma albopilosum. Easily available, good eaters, usually docile, great to look at, not too fast and easy to care for.
As someone that overcame arachnophobia with a B. albo i wouldn't recommend a B albo :rofl:. Maybe it's just my specimen but he doubled in size between molts and now as an adult he's really food responsive which a beginner might mistake for aggression when they see this big spider attacking stuff during maintenance - they are great for beginners but not arachnophobes. I would agree with @Thekla on the Homoeomma chilensis very "cute" as far as spiders go, inquisitive and small.
Also this might sound stupid but if OP gets sketched out by big spiders chances are he's going to get sketched out by big roaches too imo so a small species is better in that regard


Feb 2, 2018
As someone that overcame arachnophobia with a B. albo i wouldn't recommend a B albo :rofl:. Maybe it's just my specimen but he doubled in size between molts and now as an adult he's really food responsive which a beginner might mistake for aggression when they see this big spider attacking stuff during maintenance - they are great for beginners but not arachnophobes. I would agree with @Thekla on the Homoeomma chilensis very "cute" as far as spiders go, inquisitive and small.
Also this might sound stupid but if OP gets sketched out by big spiders chances are he's going to get sketched out by big roaches too imo so a small species is better in that regard
Fair enough, but any species he gets could be atypical and be a bit scary, at first.


Arachnosupporter +
Aug 31, 2012
I agree with @cold blood regarding acquiring a Grammostola porteri or similar species as opposed to Brachypelma spp. Don't get me wrong, I love my Brachypelma hamorii, but she has a bad habit of bolting unpredictably. My G. porteri by contrast is capable of bolting but tends to not.

Their care is simple. All you need is this a water dish (2 oz disposable souffle cups filled with plain water, no sponge or stones), eco-earth or plain top soil substrate (no more than 1.5 times the DLS of the spider from the surface to the lid), a hide (half log or similar) and that is it for decorations. Feed it every other week one cricket or meal worm or something and be done with it. Also make sure to crush the heads of meal worms so they don't burrow.

Also make sure you use the proper lid (pexi glass with holes drilled if using a glass tank, if using a Kritter Keeper then it should be fine on its own).



Jan 12, 2016
Thanks again for all the feedback. Been doing a lot of research and looking at suitable habitats etc. Sadly my local pet shop which I was going to check in with I found out are downsizing and are discontinuing all invertebrates and reptiles which is such a shame, they were one of the last that dealt in a large range in my area. So guess I'll have to check online which leads me to ask aside from spidershop does anyone recommend any sites?
There are sellers from the UK on here too. @KezyGLA has a lot of knowledge and understanding, and deals fair and good :)


Malleus Aranearum
Staff member
Mar 7, 2012
I've been recommended five different tarantulas. Mexican Red Knee, Mexican Beauty, Brazilian Black, Curly Haired & Red Rump. I'm leaning towards Mexican Red Knee or Beauty since they for some weird reason appeal to me...I don't know why but after also doing some research they seem to be the more docile of the five and I think part of my phobia lays in the sharp, erratic movements most spider display.
Any of these is a fine choice, but I recommend Grammostola pulchra (Brazilian black tarantula). Both of mine are very docile, even when I am doing maintenance in their enclosures. Most of the time they barely move, and when they do move they're usually slow, so they aren't likely to startle you.

Other generally docile choices include Brachypelma emilia, Grammostola porteri, Grammostola rosea, Homoeomma chilensis, and Brachypelma albopilosum.

Should I get a juvenile or should I go with a early adult?
I usually recommend a juvenile as a first, especially for these slow-growing species. (Many of the best beginner species are slow growers.)

What size terrarium would you recommend
In horizontal space, I shoot for about 3x the diagonal leg span (DLS in any direction. (Extra horizontal space is not harmful as long as your tarantula is finding its food.)

Make sure the vertical space (the distance between the top of the substrate and the bottom of the lid) does not exceed 1.5 times the tarantula's DLS. (Even terrestrial tarantulas will climb from time to time, but they're not very good climbers, so you want to limit the distance they can possibly fall.)

what kind of substrate should I be looking to set up?
Coconut fiber (or coir) is a very common substrate. If you buy the compressed bricks, you will have to hydrate, break up, and then dry them before use. This is a hassle, so if I want coir, I usually pay extra for the loose, dry bags.

Topsoil and peat also work, and you can mix different substrates together to alter the texture and moisture retention. Just make sure whatever you get does not contain any pesticides, fertilizers, fungicides, etc.

Do not use wood chips. Wood chips are abrasive and unsuitable for burrowing; your tarantula could also impale itself during a fall.

One thing I did want to ask about was heating, thank you for reminding me @Potatatas lol. I live in UK and it does get rather chilly and my homes heating isn't the most reliable (the system is old and trying to get my landlord to fix it is an uphill struggle!) I know you stated stay clear of them but is there a viable heating option?
I primarily use a space heater, but on the coldest days, I also have heat mats that are close to (but not in direct contact with) the enclosures. That way, the tarantulas can't cook themselves even if they sit in the warmest spot all day. (They don't necessarily recognize when they're getting too hot or desiccating, so you have to make sure the heating is safe for them.)


Old Timer
Dec 8, 2006
Both of mine are very docile, even when I am doing maintenance in their enclosures. Most of the time they barely move, and when they do move they're usually slow
True for mine as well, she was a stone generally, makes my emilia look dangerous.