Cobalt blue enclosure

Dylan Campbell

Dec 15, 2016
No problem ;)
Although it struck me as funny, me telling an American what Americans use for extra heat :D
He's so calm when I went to rehouse him. I don't see how this species is aggressive at all. Unless I just ran into a rare calmness lol

Dylan Campbell

Dec 15, 2016
He's so calm when I went to rehouse him. I don't see how this species is aggressive at all. Unless I just ran into a rare calmness lol
Never mind I was so wrong he is so hostile right now. I was placing him in his new enclosure and jumped out and missed it so I had to catch in a little box I have and he's striking it left and right. I get him in there and I put something over him so he wouldn't get free. I come back in my room and staring me down outside his enclosure. I finally got home though

gypsy cola

Jan 16, 2014
Heads up!

There are a lot of senior members here on the boards. People who have been doing this for years. The Tarantula Hobby while a growing hobby, is still largely unknown. The fact is most knowledge that comes from the hobby is paved with countless dead tarantulas.

The point is... you can't be sensitive to other's advice. These people who are blunt and to the point have seen some things. I know you are new to the hobby but for those who have done this for decades have seen plenty of people come to the boards help when it was too late for their tarantula. It's nothing personal. These people know if you don't follow their advice, you will end up with a dead tarantula.

Here are some tips.

•learn how to use the search function. The boards have been around for quite some time. A lot knowledge is to be found.
•Heat sources should only be a space heater. I bought mine for 12 bucks. Once space heater makes more sense and is safer than a heat pad for EVERY spider
•Learn to differentiate between your needs and your tarantulas needs. My tarantulas don't need lights and does not provide a single benefit for them. I use lights because I think its look nice, nothing else. I fully understand the risk and take proper precautions. Any dead T's is purely my fault.
•Research your T before purchasing.
•T's are best to be observed. Learn to accept that sometimes you are literally just paying hundreds of dollars to see a hole in a cage. Maybe once in a blue moon you will see a leg poke out but nothing more.


Sep 24, 2015
Someone is giving me a 55 gallon tank so I'm going to transfer the cobalt in there and put a minimum 8 inches of substrate in it. I'm kinda new at this hobby, been in it for 3 months. I get on here for advice and I guess I understand that you're just trying to inform me. What threw me off was when you reacted that I ordered from back water reptiles as funny. Just thought you were calling me dumb
That is a insane waste of space, time and money. Biggest I would consider with no other option would be a 20gallon.
You sure don't have any nice beginner species...
Not calling you dumb, but if you read any reviews you'd find that backwater reptiles is a terrible place to order arachnids from. Sizes and species get mixed up and are poorly packed. Stick to arachnid dealers for arachnids


Jan 12, 2016
Never mind I was so wrong he is so hostile right now. I was placing him in his new enclosure and jumped out and missed it so I had to catch in a little box I have and he's striking it left and right. I get him in there and I put something over him so he wouldn't get free. I come back in my room and staring me down outside his enclosure. I finally got home though
Maybe he saw you typing he was so calm, and stepped up to the game ;)


Oct 25, 2014
In the burrow H.lividum ( yea I know name change,whatever.. ) are as peacefull as any other species.. It's rehousings and other circumstances where the T is outside of the burrow where you are going to get caught up.

Remeber that in any situation that T can react and move much faster than you.. Your only advantage is the ability to think..

Go over every possible worst case scenario a few times in your head and plan accordingly before you open the enclosure.. Research the safest methods of rehousing, block all possible escape routes, have tongs and multiple catch cups on hand in various places so that you are not searching for equipment while your T is racing all over the place.

The biggest thing that I have learned over the years is to never force a bad situation.. If your feeling overwhelmed by the Ts defensiveness or speed just STOP close it's enclosure, regroup and figure out a better plan.. It's a wonder what just sitting back for 5 or 10 mins relaxing and analysing the situation can do.. Hell if after a few minutes or enough failed attempts hold of for a day or two untill you feel confident enough to try again or have come up with a better plan..


May 29, 2015
Not to get too off topic here but the original cage you were going to put her in is an arboreal enclosure it's suppose to stand up on its end with less substrate.


Nov 8, 2014
I like the bugarium for my haplopelma sp. Then pack the substrate down as firm as possible and their good to go. 20160930_092707.jpg

Dylan Campbell

Dec 15, 2016
In the burrow H.lividum ( yea I know name change,whatever.. ) are as peacefull as any other species.. It's rehousings and other circumstances where the T is outside of the burrow where you are going to get caught up.

Remeber that in any situation that T can react and move much faster than you.. Your only advantage is the ability to think..

Go over every possible worst case scenario a few times in your head and plan accordingly before you open the enclosure.. Research the safest methods of rehousing, block all possible escape routes, have tongs and multiple catch cups on hand in various places so that you are not searching for equipment while your T is racing all over the place.

The biggest thing that I have learned over the years is to never force a bad situation.. If your feeling overwhelmed by the Ts defensiveness or speed just STOP close it's enclosure, regroup and figure out a better plan.. It's a wonder what just sitting back for 5 or 10 mins relaxing and analysing the situation can do.. Hell if after a few minutes or enough failed attempts hold of for a day or two untill you feel confident enough to try again or have come up with a better plan..
Well it went all well and good until I forgot to put breath holes in the plastic. I had to get him out into that blue container again and he jumped. I planned this out decently it's just that this species is extremely fast. I put a little lid over the new enclosure to hold him there and got through a tiny crack of it on the side. Scared the hell out of me when I came back in my room and he was on my dresser staring at me lol.


Oct 2, 2016
I could imagine getting bit because I'd stick my leg in my blanket and feel something so painful lol. I've heard their venom is pretty bad
Yeah I would definitely avoid that as best you can, being bitten by any OW does not sound like something I ever want to do :) Check the bite reports section of the website if you're interested! There's some pretty good info in there


Jan 12, 2016
Yeah I would definitely avoid that I s best you can, being bitten by any OW does not sound like something I ever want to do :) Check the bite reports section of the website if you're interested! There's some pretty good info in there
The bite reports on this
species were enough to keep me away from Asian OW. Until i got an O.sp. blue panay, that is.
I would never have started wit a C.lividus as a first T.


Oct 2, 2016
The bite reports on this
species were enough to keep me away from Asian OW. Until i got an O.sp. blue panay, that is.
I would never have started wit a C.lividus as a first T.
I didn't even know anything other than B smithi and G rosea existed when I brought home my first T...newbies are spoiled these days :p

gypsy cola

Jan 16, 2014
for the bugarium, you will need make your own. Those screen tops are the worst. I swear even if you sneeze by one of those things they will rip.