Arboreal for Beginners


Nov 16, 2017
Yeah my pcams have been chill. They are probably alot quicker when they want to be. I hear alot of folks say they have worse venom than other nw's. It is probably true but I doubt it has been shown by science. The venom is supposed to target heat receptors so it probably hurts pretty bad. Other than pain, I don't know what other effects it may have on the body. Probably depends on the person and their body as well as the individual t. I have read bite reports of p irminia. I don't think I have ever found a pcam bite report.

The Grym Reaper

Jul 19, 2016
I said in my experience, and I was talking of the teleports something my P Cam hasn't done with me at all yes it goes for a small bolt during a rehouse but that's it my avic jumps making it as if its teleporting. All I said was my experience not your's it may have stronger venom but that doesn't interest me I'm not planning on getting tagged off any T, it also lacks urticating hairs which may be a bonus to someone looking
And I was speaking generally, no need to get all defensive about it

The Grym Reaper

Jul 19, 2016
It is probably true but I doubt it has been shown by science. The venom is supposed to target heat receptors so it probably hurts pretty bad. Other than pain, I don't know what other effects it may have on the body.
Similar symptoms to OW venom but somewhat less severe and for a shorter duration

Andrew Clayton

Dec 19, 2018
And I was speaking generally, no need to get all defensive about it
Mate are you kidding me you took half of my 1st sentence to reply to. There is nothing defensive about this you took part of my quote to reply to so I replied to you're full quote what's the problem?


Old Timer
Dec 8, 2006
I too am looking into a versicolor myself and also a beginner to the hobby. Can anyone here tell me how do you know if the humidity and ventilation is ideal for this species, I see a lot of vids saying you don’t need a hygrometer as long as you do this and that, your avic will do fine. Of course I’d still worry myself to death wondering if I got it right!!!

Read my link below, you already have wrong info. that may lead to Avic death due to husbandry error.
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Old Timer
Dec 8, 2006
In my experience my Psalmopeous Cambrigei may be slightly faster than my Avicularia but they withstand husbandry mistakes as a new keeper more than any avicularia, and also my avic teleports something I'm sure my P cam can do too but I've never witnessed which will catch a new keeper off guard so keep that in mind
Psalmo are far faster than Avic generally speaking. Psalm is run first hah, not Avics.

I’ve raised various members of both genera.


Old Timer
Dec 8, 2006
Any Avic, tho keep in mind they're pretty prone to sudden death
Wrong! You are either misinformed, ignorant of the facts or worse.

Sudden death is a myth- nothing more, due to husbandry errors 99% of the time.

Avics have a narrow tolerance for husbandry errors that’s all.

Anything is “sudden death” when you don’t know the true cause of death, such as your case, and a couple of mine too.

To label something death when you don’t know the cause is irresponsible and gives new people especially the wrong “fact” about this genus.

So if you die at 99yrs out of the blue, that is sudden death too without autopsy. Same is true for Ts.


Old Timer
Dec 8, 2006
I said in my experience, and I was talking of the teleports something my P Cam hasn't done with me at all yes it goes for a small bolt during a rehouse but that's it my avic jumps making it as if its teleporting. All I said was my experience not your's it may have stronger venom but that doesn't interest me I'm not planning on getting tagged off any T, it also lacks urticating hairs which may be a bonus to someone looking

No one plans on getting tagged- what a ridiculous statement of yours hah.

Of course we don’t plan on getting tagged, it does happen.

As for speed, you did write IME, to a new person they may forget the IME part.

Just wasn’t a clear enough response for a new person

Andrew Clayton

Dec 19, 2018
Psalmo are far faster than Avic generally speaking. Psalm is run first hah, not Avics.

I’ve raised various members of both genera.
All I'm saying is in my experience. Also when I open my Cambrigei enclosure I expect speed, but with my avic I don't until it teleports for no apparent reason just my experience and something a new keeper should keep in mind especially since everyone on here say avics are slow moving, moving from a super slow terrestrial T to any arboreal spider all this has to be taken into consideration. @viper69 Don't know how to add you're other post to this but I understand what you mean with begginers not knowing IME so hopefully cleared that up in the 1st part. As for geting tagged I don't see what is rediculus about me not planning getting tagged? Obviously no1 plans it but people take certain precautions to make sure this is impossible 1 of these people being me. You say it dose happen? Meaning you are 1 of the people that have resided to the supposed fact its going to happen 1 day and be careless?Am I right?
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The Grym Reaper

Jul 19, 2016
If you were speaking generally why single out a few words in my post?
Because you said that (in your experience) cams are slightly faster than Avics which could give the OP or any newbies who read this in future the wrong impression. I simply added that, generally speaking, Psalmos will dust Avics. I've kept several species from both genera and if an Avic (even one of the faster ones like minatrix or one of the ones that were moved to Ybyrapora) bolts I don't lose track of it, a Psalmo could bolt halfway up my arm before my brain has even registered that it moved, and Psalmos will happily jump as well.

Andrew Clayton

Dec 19, 2018
Because you said that (in your experience) cams are slightly faster than Avics which could give the OP or any newbies who read this in future the wrong impression. I simply added that, generally speaking, Psalmos will dust Avics. I've kept several species from both genera and if an Avic (even one of the faster ones like minatrix or one of the ones that were moved to Ybyrapora) bolts I don't lose track of it, a Psalmo could bolt halfway up my arm before my brain has even registered that it moved, and Psalmos will happily jump as well.
I do agree with you. I'm relatively new to the hobby too As the OP and I was always told avics are slow moving arboreal and told that psalmopoeus are fast so as a new keeper you expect the speed from you're psalmopeous but as a new keeper and only having kept a G. Pulchripes and geting told youre avic is slow you're going to expect G. Pulchripes speed when in actual fact you're avic is perfectly capable of teleporting up you're arm too. I got P. Cam knowing I was going to have my hands full as a new keeper only having had 3 nw terrestrial and a P. Everetti sling 3/4 inch bought on 11.11.2018(still only an inch seems quite slow growing to me) I've had to learn quite fast obviously as there has been 2 rehouse with the p cam already that's it up to 3 1/2 inch and started as a half inch sling in December 2018 living in a 25 ml vial
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The Grym Reaper

Jul 19, 2016
I do agree with you. I'm relatively new to the hobby too As the OP and I was always told avics are slow moving arboreal and told that psalmopoeus are fast so as a new keeper you expect the speed from you're psalmopeous but as a new keeper and only having kept a G. Pulchripes and geting told youre avic is slow you're going to expect G. Pulchripes speed when in actual fact you're avic is perfectly capable of teleporting up you're arm too. I got P. Cam knowing I was going to have my hands full as a new keeper only having had 3 nw terrestrial and a P. Everetti sling 3/4 inch bought on 11.11.2018(still only an inch seems quite slow growing to me) I've had to learn quite fast obviously as there has been 2 rehouse with the p cam already that's it up to 3 1/2 inch and started as a half inch sling in December 2018 living in a 25 ml vial
Yeah, that's fair. As @Chris LXXIX always says, there's no such thing (at a 360°) as a slow arboreal, they can all shift when they need to.

I think when most people say that Avics are slow they mean that they're slow when compared to other arboreals.


Jul 15, 2019
I think it's over-dramatised how difficult husbandry for C. versicolor actually is. If you follow some simple directions (as I said before and as mentioned in the thread I posted), it's really not that difficult to raise a C. versicolor or any Avic by that matter. I got mine as a tiny sling back in April 2018 (when I myself was only 7 or 8 months in the hobby) as my first arboreal.

Cutest thing in the world!

Now, 15 months and 6 moults later she's becoming a real beauty and is one of the most chilled Ts I have:
She never even tried to bolt on me, and most of the times she doesn't even twitch when I open her enclosure which is quite a juddery affair, to be honest. ;)
Dude that C. Versicolor is something else. All those comments and the thread you shared helped out a lot. I'm about to buy a C. Versicolor. Hope everything goes well. Reading all those guides and tips really helped. Thanks my man!


Old Timer
Dec 8, 2006
All I'm saying is in my experience. Also when I open my Cambrigei enclosure I expect speed, but with my avic I don't until it teleports for no apparent reason just my experience and something a new keeper should keep in mind especially since everyone on here say avics are slow moving, moving from a super slow terrestrial T to any arboreal spider all this has to be taken into consideration. @viper69 Don't know how to add you're other post to this but I understand what you mean with begginers not knowing IME so hopefully cleared that up in the 1st part. As for geting tagged I don't see what is rediculus about me not planning getting tagged? Obviously no1 plans it but people take certain precautions to make sure this is impossible 1 of these people being me. You say it dose happen? Meaning you are 1 of the people that have resided to the supposed fact its going to happen 1 day and be careless?Am I right?
What’s crazy is when someone says I don’t plan on getting tagged.

Well of course you don’t expect to—- no one buys these animals hoping to get tagged! Hah

Who says I’m buying a T and plan to get tagged——- that’s my point, no one does says that, thus your statement was ridiculous.

Andrew Clayton

Dec 19, 2018
@The Grym Reaper @viper69 Yes I agree With you, the Op is going from a G. Pulchripes to an arboreal so getting told an avic is slow and a P Cam is fast there going to expect NW terrestrial speeds from an arboreal which is not the case just think new keepers should keep this in mind. I had to adapt fast being big headed and thinking I could handle anything, Jumped from NW terrestrial to purely arboreal (mostly OW) and its daunting the difference as a new keeper so please keep this in mind it's not for everyone and please be confident in you're self before making this step
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Jun 11, 2018
I have a Psalmopoeus irminia juvenile, as I do not keep slings, I can only tell you my experience with it as nearly adult T. It is fast, like no comparison to any new world terrestrial fast, it'll look like it's teleporting. But mine has never behaved defensively, it's first instinct is to run, but if it has an established hide, it will just retreat there. Keep in mind, it's not a display T, not even a casual watch T. I see mine about once a month if that. I drop superworms with crushed heads into it's cork bark, and it'll bring the boluses out whenever no one is home.

That said, all Ts are different. They all have unique tempers and quirks, and you should never expect a T to behave a certain way, just because that species usually behaves a certain way. People told me my G. pulchripes would be a good display spider, it's been burrowed now for 7 months. People also told me it'll be usually calm and it's the queen of threat postures. People told me my B. vagans would be visible, it's a pet hole, I never see her. So expect the unexpected I guess, is all I can say.


Oct 13, 2017
Dude that C. Versicolor is something else. All those comments and the thread you shared helped out a lot. I'm about to buy a C. Versicolor. Hope everything goes well. Reading all those guides and tips really helped. Thanks my man!
Well, woman... but you're very welcome. :D

Post pictures when you got it, or even better, show us pictures of the enclosure before you get it. ;) And if you have any further questions, don't hesitate to ask. :)