Any Rat Lovers Here?


Feb 6, 2016
Darn it, I meant to take some photos of some of my gang when i went up to feed them this evening but I totally forgot!
They're in a loft room and it's all the way up a ladder, so i'm not going back up now :p
What do you feed them? ANd how often? -random questions- I feed mine Oxbow adult rat food, and usually give them some in the morning and at night. It's hard to know how much to give them since they just take it and hide it away :rofl:


Jan 29, 2016
What do you feed them? ANd how often? -random questions- I feed mine Oxbow adult rat food, and usually give them some in the morning and at night. It's hard to know how much to give them since they just take it and hide it away :rofl:
I feed once a day.
I have mice and multimammates as well as rats, and quite a few of each, so i buy several types of food in bulk, and mix them according to which they're being fed to. If that makes sense. And i try to vary it also.
These include rabbit foods, poultry corn, bird seed, dog biscuits, oats, nuts. I find the actual rat feeds that i have access to are stupidly expensive for what they are and often full of sugar and colourings. Not good.
And then they get extras and treats as well when i can, veggies, wholemeal bread, cooked egg (when the chickens are laying well), cornflakes, spaghetti, rice noodles, potato, meal worms, any leftovers that are suitable. I have been told many times that i spoil them but i like to know they're getting a varied diet. :happy:


Feb 6, 2016
I feed once a day.
I have mice and multimammates as well as rats, and quite a few of each, so i buy several types of food in bulk, and mix them according to which they're being fed to. If that makes sense. And i try to vary it also.
These include rabbit foods, poultry corn, bird seed, dog biscuits, oats, nuts. I find the actual rat feeds that i have access to are stupidly expensive for what they are and often full of sugar and colourings. Not good.
And then they get extras and treats as well when i can, veggies, wholemeal bread, cooked egg (when the chickens are laying well), cornflakes, spaghetti, rice noodles, potato, meal worms, any leftovers that are suitable. I have been told many times that i spoil them but i like to know they're getting a varied diet. :happy:
Oxbow rat food is the only food I can find in my area that actually has what is good for rats. It's like every other company knows nothing about rat diets! I also give my rats fruit and veggies, basically stuff that I eat. xD Today I let them try superworms (which I have never tried and never will, thank you) They loved 'em! I am considering making them food with liver and other fresh stuff, but my mom is a hater and doesn't like spending money on them

pyro fiend

Dec 29, 2013
i breed rats for both feeders and pets. ^_^ iv narrowed down the last few months iv cut down but i have true hairless, fuzzy hairless [fur on top of feet, tail and nose only] rex, double rex, dumbo and i HAD a "manx" but she was a rescue that didnt pull through=\ im on the hunt for a non-berkshire[white tummy] russian blue XD they is so pretty XD

as for food that everyone mentioned. i mix it up. i choose specific dog foods [mine are feeders] mix it with nuts, hog chow [as in pig] and a mix of fruit and veg


Feb 6, 2016
i breed rats for both feeders and pets. ^_^ iv narrowed down the last few months iv cut down but i have true hairless, fuzzy hairless [fur on top of feet, tail and nose only] rex, double rex, dumbo and i HAD a "manx" but she was a rescue that didnt pull through=\ im on the hunt for a non-berkshire[white tummy] russian blue XD they is so pretty XD
Russian blues are sooo pretty! I'm on the hunt for a Siamese and rex, but there are pretty much no breeders anywhere near me

pyro fiend

Dec 29, 2013
Russian blues are sooo pretty! I'm on the hunt for a Siamese and rex, but there are pretty much no breeders anywhere near me
my first male was a chocolate Siamese and later picked up his Himalayan brother ;P they run in my bloodlines alot lmao actualy pretty common in my brood to get a double banger of a siamese rex or Himalayan rex.. took a bit getting some into my bloodline.. theres 2 or 3 breeders i trade offspring with every now and then as i breed for color and type not just food.. im so strict on my stock if a male gets a tumor later in life [hasnt happened many times only with rescues that keep my males company] ill scrap the entire line, any baby, grandbaby neice or nephew.. i dont want none of that jazz in my lines lmao

try lookin on craigslist for feeder rodents. they are usualy cheaper and healthier then pet stores and most contain rex genes ime :p [im trying to phase it out of mine as i hate a double rex lol]


Feb 6, 2016
my first male was a chocolate Siamese and later picked up his Himalayan brother ;P they run in my bloodlines alot lmao actualy pretty common in my brood to get a double banger of a siamese rex or Himalayan rex.. took a bit getting some into my bloodline.. theres 2 or 3 breeders i trade offspring with every now and then as i breed for color and type not just food.. im so strict on my stock if a male gets a tumor later in life [hasnt happened many times only with rescues that keep my males company] ill scrap the entire line, any baby, grandbaby neice or nephew.. i dont want none of that jazz in my lines lmao

try lookin on craigslist for feeder rodents. they are usualy cheaper and healthier then pet stores and most contain rex genes ime :p [im trying to phase it out of mine as i hate a double rex lol]
I don't really like double rexes either, xD

pyro fiend

Dec 29, 2013
I don't really like double rexes either, xD
lol yea and not all rex's are as fluffy as some images reflect. i had a momma who i had no idea was rex pop out 16 double rex babies and a dumbo [didnt know either parent was dumbo gene lmao] i thought she was a standard ruby eyed fawn gal. her sister who i thought was a rex somehow popped out a mink guy when paired with same chocolate point Himalayan male and has never thrown a double rex and they are a perminant pair o_O


Feb 6, 2016
lol yea and not all rex's are as fluffy as some images reflect. i had a momma who i had no idea was rex pop out 16 double rex babies and a dumbo [didnt know either parent was dumbo gene lmao] i thought she was a standard ruby eyed fawn gal. her sister who i thought was a rex somehow popped out a mink guy when paired with same chocolate point Himalayan male and has never thrown a double rex and they are a perminant pair o_O
Rats are so weird! I can't wait to breed some, haha!


Mar 1, 2016
Love rats to the nth degree, their short lifespans break my heart though. The first pet I ever had sole responsibility of was a Degu named Spaz, and after he unfortunately passed away when our house burned down, I kept a fancy rat that I named Darwin for his entire natural life of three years. I had a Chinchilla for a year until I traded him for the enclosure that I currently feed my ball python in. After that, two more fancy rats Toby and Delores followed, Toby making it almost four years and Delores almost two. They're pretty smart if you take care of them and treat them right. I wish wish wish I had photos of any of my little guys. Most of my rodents played fetch, but aside from other hit and miss stuff like that I wasn't able to get them to do much. I won't ever keep rodents as pets again, since I'd like my docile python to stay that way.


Feb 6, 2016
Love rats to the nth degree, their short lifespans break my heart though. The first pet I ever had sole responsibility of was a Degu named Spaz, and after he unfortunately passed away when our house burned down, I kept a fancy rat that I named Darwin for his entire natural life of three years. I had a Chinchilla for a year until I traded him for the enclosure that I currently feed my ball python in. After that, two more fancy rats Toby and Delores followed, Toby making it almost four years and Delores almost two. They're pretty smart if you take care of them and treat them right. I wish wish wish I had photos of any of my little guys. Most of my rodents played fetch, but aside from other hit and miss stuff like that I wasn't able to get them to do much. I won't ever keep rodents as pets again, since I'd like my docile python to stay that way.
I knooww, I joke and call my rats jerks and say they're brats but I will be sobbing when they die :( They're already just over a year old, I haven't taught them really anything. They will stop doing bad things when I say "No!" but one of them will just look at me for a seconds and then do it again lol.
I want to say I wont get more once they die, but I don't know how well I can stick to that promise, since I spent a lot on this awesome cage


Mar 2, 2016
A rat was my first ever pet and I have since always loved them to death.

I remember my first was a typical fancy rat from the pet store named CeCe. She has, and probably always will be, my favorite rat. She was very loving, responded to her name, and constantly greeted people if they opened my door and I was playing with her on the floor. I have very fond memories of her and was very sad when she passed (surprisingly, just of old age and not a tumor)

I've had more rats after her including two more female fancies (Marshmallow and one whose name I can't remember right now; it was my sister's, really, so thats likely why), a dumbo named Dez, and two rescues (fancies) named Pepper and Toast.

Pepper and Toast passed away two years ago now and I haven't gotten any rats due to the lack of space in my room since their passing. So instead, I got a tarantula since I've wanted to own one since I was 16 :rolleyes:

Got to admit, it's weird going from a very cuddly, social animal that I could play with to one that I don't handle and just look at two or three times a day to see if it moved two inches :p


Feb 6, 2016
Got to admit, it's weird going from a very cuddly, social animal that I could play with to one that I don't handle and just look at two or three times a day to see if it moved two inches :p
Haha, you got that right. Some of my T's I check every five seconds to see if they've molted, and then there's my female B. albopilosum who I check and feed like every few decades, LOL. She is so boring, but I love her <3


May 21, 2015
I return! With a update for all of you lovely people :D

I'm officially a hooman rat-mum again. I got these two double-rex/hairless brothers from a wonderful breeder up in WA yesterday evening, and I'm in absolute love. They don't have names yet, but their little personalities are already shining. The little black patchwork enjoys adventure and runs around like crazy, while his bigger brother is rather shy, but he loves his food!

My family was starting to refer to my house as the 'No Petting Zoo', so it's nice to finally have some friendly faces :rofl:


craze horse

Feb 3, 2016
Oh how beautiful are they ! Had many rats when I was younger but nothing as visual as those two. Lucky lucky you.


May 21, 2015
Oh how beautiful are they ! Had many rats when I was younger but nothing as visual as those two. Lucky lucky you.
Thank you so much for the kind words! My rats that I had growing up were always hooded agoutis or albinos, so I completely understand; first time I read a paper about their genetics and coat colour variations, my jaw just dropped. I fell in love with double-rex a while ago, and when I saw that a breeder about an hour away in the state above mine had an available litter of hand-raised boys? I couldn't resist. I think I looked at my man and cried and shoved their litter photos into his face over and over until he said 'yeah, sure'.

So far, Remington (the light dumbo) and Teak (black patchwork) are doing wonderfully. They're learning to come when their names are called and are getting hours upon hours of socialization from their housebound housewife mum. I'd forgotten how fascinating and sweet rats were as pets.

craze horse

Feb 3, 2016
The levels of intelligence always amazed me. Such fascinating creatures, and in your case very beautiful to. Not for me these days though as I have a corn snake who's 6ft and regularly let out around my apartment !


Grammostola Groupie
Mar 12, 2016
I have shared my life with rats, on and off, for almost 20 years. A lot of heartbreak over their short lifespans in that time. I have a tattoo on my back of my favourite black rex boy, Magic.
I hadn't had them for a while, when I found one left by the dumpster downstairs at my apartment a few months ago.
His name is Elliot.

Crone Returns

Mar 22, 2016
I've had 3 hoodies and one I called Sqeaky, a blond youngster who came sickly to me via petshop. Petco. A billion yrs ago. The vet did everything she could, but Squeaky died. I miss them all. They're intelligent and are pack animals that live in family packs. Amazing animals.