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  1. Z

    Could this kill my t?

    Its a rosea and im worried the cup( he filled with sub) wont hold he is bull dozing right now
  2. Z

    Is this big enough to house a pinktoe?

    I dunno maybe 3inch if that diagnol i think its male so
  3. Z

    Could this kill my t?

    So he dug a burrow under a cup and i was wondering if the cup would hurt him if it fell on him or would it hold itself he looks like hes gonna start digging to the lid of the cup which would make it fall but idk
  4. Z

    Is this big enough to house a pinktoe?

    I just got this because i didnt know if it would work or not but i found a acrylic container that is 7 inches tall by 4 wide would he be able to sustain in those conditions or not? I dont think he would but its worth a shot
  5. Z

    Avic Avid leaking from a joint...

    I think you can try suPerglue on it or more usable cornstarch. But dont get it on its booklungs and kill it. And yes it will come back within two molts id say. Also if its front feet can touch the top of the cage you need more sub
  6. Z

    Keeping crickets alive

    What i did was kept mine ina plastic container. Fed peaches had cardboard and egg carton and they were set for about 2 weeks of course replacing the peaches
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    Can crickets chew through plastic

    I accually figured out when i woke up today they can...they probably were hungry though i had them in plastic bag woke up and there was a ripped hole in far i found 4 crickets
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    humidity/oxygen and growth rate

    I think heat can along with humidity of course
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    Almost got tagged

    Haha if it were me i woulda shoved his face in there hopefully you got a better rook mate
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    what is he doing

    Oh cool i live in lodi just thought id ask haha
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    accidental interruption during molt :(

    Ts arnt as fragile when molting as we think it should be fine listen to the first guy on the rest
  12. Z

    fungus gnat and substrate issues

    I think you can bake the sub but i wouldent do that i would switch it out with eco fiber. Or vermicrulate or however you spell that and take out the plants if their live clean Out cricks too
  13. Z

    T. blondi molt and question

    Try duck tape on your hand not on your eye not much else you can do
  14. Z

    what is he doing

    Ah you in ohio too? If you dont mind me asking where. And to answer your question i hear they do this to keep the food together
  15. Z

    Mexican Red Knee molting too rapidly?

    Well seeing as you know mOre than me i will still state i read a post before about a t with a lost limb. That t proceeded to molt then again within the next few weeks by that i mean very close times if im correct. While that may not be stone hard evidence its better than saying it was normal...
  16. Z

    just caught my OBT out of its hide, and noticed a white spot, is something wrong with it?

    Poo it looks like but i dont know how it would get there have you tried a paintbrush
  17. Z

    I need immediate help with my A. avic that just molted recently

    Thats why i said but i dont know so. It was not a diagnosis it was a hypothesis if im correct
  18. Z

    I need immediate help with my A. avic that just molted recently

    Please read my post i said i dont know much about dks though. When he said limp and flat i have heard ts with dks that acted like that
  19. Z

    Mexican Red Knee molting too rapidly?

    im just saying hE may have left somthing out about a limb and i think there is a great deal of proof about a t molting faster to regrow a limb