Search results

  1. JonPaul

    JonPaul's new collection.

    I fully recommend him, I'd buy more if I had the space!
  2. JonPaul

    JonPaul's new collection.

    Got these at Ken's. B.vagans 3" B.albopilosum 3" B.albopilosum 1.5 ish And one of my originals, Fritz G.rosea
  3. JonPaul

    Rosies do the darndest things

    One of mine flips his water bowl over, causing a loud, glass on plastic clang. Another will go from docile and nice to *screeeeee!!!!* and on four legs, "salivating" at the thought of getting his fangs in my hand.... hehe. Gotta love those wacky roseas.
  4. JonPaul

    Friend has an allergy...

    JPD has a great point. Almost all bites that are unidentified are blamed on spiders, with the recluse taking the dirty end of the stick. If your friend gets bit again, ask for the spider that bit them. I'm sure all the wonderful people here will be at least 99% accurate in identifying it. Just...
  5. JonPaul

    Are G. Rosea near extinct in the wild ?

    As I recall hearing, CITES has their sights on the rosehairs, and have stopped the importation of many others. I'd personally buy CB. On average though, juvies sell at the local petstore easier, some people are 'frightened' by the larger specimens. I'm sure a search on CITES would answer more...
  6. JonPaul

    Tarantula bite kit

    I suppose a regular first-aid kit would suffice, treat it like a thumbtack wound. Or by rare chance, a thumbtack wound with a nice dose o' venom. As far as it seems, the venom won't do you much damage. I'd clean the wound and keep an eye on my health. If it gets too bad, you could see a doc...
  7. JonPaul

    Easy Breeders

    Not a problem, also check out this site: Breeding and put your pointer over breeding. It has a little popup menu. It's a little hard to understand, but Russian to English translations are usually difficult. Good luck breeding and please, take and post pics...
  8. JonPaul

    Easy Breeders

    Here is a site that explains basics of breeding. I don't breed (Yet), but the page seems valid. Breeding It may not be exactly what you need, but there are lots of resources out there, just waiting to be used. Hope it helps. Shalom, JonPaul
  9. JonPaul

    terrible bite from t

    One dream, something about being cricket in the tarantularium. When I woke up, I had to feed them, just to 'come to terms' heh JonPaul
  10. JonPaul

    You Know You Are An Aracnophile When:

    Oh, or if you are infamous for "correcting" movies/TV about the portrayal of arachnids, or for giving the wrong scientific name. I got yelled at by some friends, watching some "b movie" about the 'Island of Tarantulas" or something like that.... The giant (don't even need to get into physics)...
  11. JonPaul

    what's your favorite latin name?

    Manicata...... sounds like a bad guy from a 70's show... Shaft, look out! It's P. manicata and his pimp cane! hehe Jp
  12. JonPaul

    Need Help!

    Great to hear the T seems to be doing better! I wouldn't use the sponge personally, I've heard they are magnets for bateria and cricket eggs, but I suppose if you keep it clean.... *shrug* Back to the real issue, awesome to know the the T is a survivor! Jp
  13. JonPaul

    You Know You Are An Aracnophile When:

    Good list... got all but the multiples of eight.... Still.... ever start to feel an itch in your wallet perusing the dealer index? Thanks for the smile. Jp
  14. JonPaul

    Need Help!

    I'd suggest putting the tarantularium in a shallow dish of water, the ants shouldn't cross the water... aside from that, just treat the little beauty with love, things should be fine if she is able to move about. Aside from that, I'd find how the ants get in.... are you using store-bought...
  15. JonPaul

    Predatory Mites/ Isopods

    Predatory mites I don't have experience with mites, but I have tried to educate myself on them (Just in case). I found a bit of info here: hypoaspis You can also oder them there. Here is what they say about feeding them: "Each Hypoaspis mite will consume 1-5 prey or eggs per day. They...
  16. JonPaul

    G.Rosea and Webbing

    Wow, roseas do act funny, no? It sounds like a few things. 1: Sperm web... is the webbing like a tent? 2: Impending moult... has it refused food? 3: Wacky rosea....... they are quite wacky. Not sure if it helped, but I'm sure others know more. Jp
  17. JonPaul


    That'd scare me at first.... But yeah, I'd move the Tarantula and smile that I would have some food for my slings.
  18. JonPaul

    Prissy pics (LoRes)

    Prissy, My G.rosea. A Birthday gift last year, moulted recently, and I just hooked up a webcam for him. Had to try.
  19. JonPaul

    How many T's do you Own?

    My Ts 6 G.rosea 2 B.albopilosum 1 B.smithi 1 B.Auratum 1 B.pulchra 1 C.fasciatum 1 A.versicolor 1 P.manicata (Specie debatable, petshop purchase) 14, but now I need to rent a bigger apartment! Worth it. JonPaul
  20. JonPaul

    Advice on getting haired

    When I get a good dose of the 'hair', I just go and run extremely hot water on the area. Vinegar has worked for a friend, but I'm not sure if it'll help ya, seems you might be allergic. Sorry that I can't help you more.