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  1. Alix

    Beginner GBB Owner Question

    Thanks, that's what I thought. This is my first time keeping a carnivorous invert so I am still learning about how they get all the nutrients that they need as well as what kind of care I have to provide in their environment. :)
  2. Alix

    Beginner GBB Owner Question

    This weekend I decided to get my first T, from an experienced friend's advice I got myself a GBB sling. The T came in a smallish pill bottle like container and is currently close to but less than 1". When reading about GBB care it has often said that they need dry environments, but also to...
  3. Alix

    AGBs Breeding?

    I recently got 2 AGBs, a male and a female. The male is full grown at about 10 inches, but the female is only about 5 or 6. Recently I have seen them engaging in what I can only assume to be mating behavior on the surface at night. They are entangling their bodies and running their legs along...
  4. Alix

    First time milipede - help me out

    30cm is doable for AGMs, but higher is always better as they like to burrow. I keep my AGBs in a 30cm tall enclosure and they are perfectly happy, but it is also a 30gal where they have a lot of room to move around in the surface and hides buried into the substrate. Just make sure that you have...
  5. Alix

    The solution to screentop lids?

    If you can't get plexiglass cut at a local hardware store you can also cut it yourself relatively easy by scoring each side and snapping the excess portion off. From there you just have to drill ventilation holes which is easy as long as you take it slow...