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Tarantula Pamphobeteus sp. "mascara"

Reviews summary

Overall rating
5.00 star(s) 1 ratings
Pamphobeteus mascara breeding by The Spider House
Initial Breeding Date
Sept/Oct 2023
Special Notes
Females (x2) all moulted March 23, were not kept any warmer than others in the heated room (23°C day and 18°C night are the temperature parameters during the autumn/winter months). Both were ravenous feeders up to and post mating so had plenty of bulk/reserves.
The same MM was used on each female with multiple successful inserts (both females had 4 pairings each) observed over a 6 week period between Sept 23 and Oct 23.
No aggression from any of the females and the male took charge and was straight in on every pairing.
Post Mating Care
The enclosures was allowed to dry out which is recommended for most Pamphobeteus. Both females were on the top shelf so there was likely to be slightly elevated temperature range from the 23/18 that is the average across the middle shelves.

Both females held on tight to the egg sacs and barely moved from their nesting place.
Time & Care
Only 3 months after the 1st round of insertions were both egg sacs produced (only a few days between both females)

Both sacs were due to be pulled after 8 weeks. However literally the day befoe I was due to do this, one of the females ate the sac. Taking no chances on the other female, that sac was pulled.
Final Details
The vast majority of the sac contained EWLs (approx 140) with only one or two infertile.

All EWLs were placed in the incubator and spaced out so they were not touching. Approx 10 have not developed any further and were removed to avoid contaminating others.

Sling development:
Remaining 130 EWLs kept at a constant temp of 26°C, suspended over water by cheesecloth with a tray of water also inside the incubator so that humidity was high (80 to 90%)

After approx 3 weeks all EWLs had turned into nymph stage, still with the yolk sustaining them but "looking" like spiders.

From approx mid April 24 (approx 9 to 10 weeks after EWLs pulled from sac) they started to go darker and huddle back together. From early May 24 onwards, dark patches were clearly visible on abdomen as was the Christmas tree patterns as hair started to develop underneath. 9th to 14th May all remaining nymphs moulted into L1 Slings. Approx 2 cm+ DLS which was a massive size increase from nymph stage.

All slings rehoused to avoid any risk of cannibalism mid May 24.

In total, 128 L1 Slings were rehoused and all have had x2 feeds and doing well.
This was my 1st attempt at breeding any Pamphobeteus having successfully bred other species.

I hope others found this breeding report useful.