

The dark blue color on the carapace and how leggy it is has methinking this is a male. The good news is that the other two are stocky and they have a light colored blue to their carapaces. So, I'm guessing they are female.
@Trenor What size is this guy. Mine just molted and went from that black/grey banding to showing blue for the first time. How many did this one have before it hit those colors? I have a feeling both of mine are turning out male.
@Thistles Maybe so, they are about his size but I'm not sure if they are mature enough to breed yet. That is a problem with a communal setup. These all have hid their molts so I've not been able to see what I have.

It's ok to be a bit biased. :) He is quite the looker. I might have to see if anyone needs him for breeding.
@viper69 It was only in his last molt that his carpace really took on that dark heavy blue. He has had the longer legs and more blue leg color for a while so I kinda always suspected him to be a male.

The other two have much thicker bodies and shorter legs. The caripace color is also very light blue.

In all honesty I'm not sure how many molt cycles these have gone thru. Since they are kept communal it is hard to tell which is molting when. They have been really bad about hiding their molts as well. Last rehouse I found a lot of old molts in the burrows and under webbing. While I haven't measured he looked to be about 4-5 inch dls.

I think mine are growing pretty quick due to the 78F temps in the pet room and how much I feed them.
@Trenor Yep I expected the color to be on the last molt. I've read that in older postings of this species on the forum. Ah, the increased blue appeared a bit before, this helps, thanks. I think both are male on my end. Yeah mine are bad too on molts hiding.

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