hi guys. i'm new here. i got my female rosehair when she was still i would say a juvenile. not an infant, but still small and not yet reached adulthood. i've had her about 2 years. her first molt was in november of last year, it took her about 8 hours to complete. last night when i got home from work at about 6 pm i was excited to see that she was on her back and beginning her second molt! so i left her alone to do her thing. this morning i found her only partially molted and thought she might be stuck, but thought also she might need more time. arriving home from work again at about 6 pm i found her in the same position with either very little or no progress made. she is alive, she's moving her legs very slightly, and i believe that she may be trying to finish her molt. but she's in a strange position and seems to have an injury to her abdomen. are there any tips to helping her along? of course i know don't touch her, but what do you think? we're passed the 24 hour mark now and i don't want her to die in there.