I was cleaning my red-tails, cage today she's about 5.5 feet long. I had my brother holding her. I was scouping the substrate out when I hear my brother say ouch she bit me. I look over and he was holding her head down and she was biting his hand. I went over to him and we put her back in the cage to see what had happened. He showed me where she bit him on the neck and right next to the ear. He said he was just holding her and she come up and bit. Just goes to show ya that you can just be holding them doing nothing unsafe and just get bit. What I think happened is she felt his sideburns with her tounge and associated it with a rats fur. There was no real damage just a little blood and some very small puncture wounds. She had never bitten before. She got his hand too when he pulled her from his face. Just thought I would share this reminder with everyone to always be careful with reptiles. You sometimes forget that they will bite out of the blue for no apparent reason, just nature I guess. I always try to treat big snake like guns, you dont point them at your face.