You guys ever had roaches in your dream?


Old Timer
Jan 3, 2007
Well, last night, I dreamed that i found a bag with some very nice looking roaches inside.
there were the giant green roaches, but they were much prettier and they were all over under the table. They had shiny see-thru green wings with white border lines on their wings.
then there were the cuban burrowing roaches, but they had an amazing milk white color toward the front and faded down to black toward the rear.
there was a species that was flat, but wide, like a recently molted B. giganteous.
and there were other ones, but i can't remember them all.
wow... i thought that i should post this, just so i won't forget.


May 31, 2007
I've actually had a dream a while ago, like years, when I was a teen, about Roaches lol I wouldn't have posted a thread but I got a reason to talk about it now lol. My dream was pretty simple actually, for some odd reason I had Hissing Cockroaches all over my room that were like yard sticks, 3 feet long and 2 feet wide abdomen, Thick giant bright hissers, I kept trying to pick them up and take them before I woke up for some reason, as if I could keep one.