Yo, Chip!


Old Timer
Sep 27, 2002
Hey, whatever happened with your B. annitha Mystery sling? still too small to tell for sure?


Code Monkey

Old Timer
Jul 22, 2002
Still waiting on the next moult - it's at the intermediate morph between sling and juvenile. If it's an annitha it will show smithi like markings on the next moult, if not, eh, I'll be posting more pics for us to scratch our heads over.

Code Monkey

Old Timer
Jul 22, 2002
Time to play name that spider

Woops, my bad, I decided to go dig it up since after I posted I checked my moult records and it looked it should have been about time.

NOT an annitha, in fact, I'm going to go with my initial bet of a ruhnaui:


Code Monkey

Old Timer
Jul 22, 2002
Originally posted by Spider_savior
Hes soooo cute ! Awww !! :)
Yes it is cute, but what is it? It was sold to me as a B. annitha sling and it clearly is not a B. annitha. It's a Brachypelma by all appearances and the only black legged, light carapace, red hairs on the rump that I know of is the ruhnaui.

If anyone has seen a ruhnaui juvenile, their input on my mystery Brachypelma would be appreciated.

Tangled WWWeb

Old Timer
Nov 4, 2002
Hey CM...

A good friend of mine has a spider that was sold to him as B. pallidum. I had a supposed B. pallidum before that looked nothing like his - so I investigated. On John Hoke's site he has a couple pics of B. pallidum, that look like 2 very different spiders. One of these ( the one at the bottom of page #10 in the species section) resembles yours. The B. pallidum on Kelly Swift's site looks different still( more like the one I had years ago). I have heard that there is some confusion regarding this species. Could one of these be yours?



Old Timer
Jul 17, 2002
If I had to guess, I'd also say it looks an awful lot like B ruhnaui..
I have one, but it's only at 1/4", so that won't help!
In case yours IS one, would you mind giving me the molt record for it? Just curious!

Code Monkey

Old Timer
Jul 22, 2002
Originally posted by JP version 1.0
Hey CM...

A good friend of mine has a spider that was sold to him as B. pallidum. I had a supposed B. pallidum before that looked nothing like his - so I investigated. On John Hoke's site he has a couple pics of B. pallidum, that look like 2 very different spiders. One of these ( the one at the bottom of page #10 in the species section) resembles yours. The B. pallidum on Kelly Swift's site looks different still( more like the one I had years ago). I have heard that there is some confusion regarding this species. Could one of these be yours?

I think you're onto something, that pic matches the carapace coloration of this one exactly and I found a site of someone who had raised spiderlings of these and said they have the pink carapace when juveniles but lose it as they grow into adulthood.

The ATS site claims that whatever is in the pet trade isn't pallidum at all, but an unidentified species or a hybrid.


Old Timer
Sep 27, 2002
Well, whatever it is, it's a nice looking Tarantula. Question I have is, did you get boned on the deal? Think it might be second hand species ID from whomever you got it from?


Code Monkey

Old Timer
Jul 22, 2002
I didn't pay too much for it so as long as it's not a curly hair I'm not hurting on the financial side. OTOH, if it's a "pallidum" (pet trade), it's not a species I would ever have purchased on my own. The dealer is legit, so unless it was simply a mixup, the mistake was at the breeder's end.

When I got it, it looked like any other 3/4" Brachypelma sling, which ain't saying much ;) Anyone who tries to identify Brachypelmas by what they look before about 1.25+" is an insane fool. If the breeder says it's a B. annitha, you go, ok, and when the dealer says it's a B. annitha, you go, ok, and it isn't until it gets to about 2" that you go, "hey, that's definitely not an annitha!"

Ultimate Instar

Old Timer
Aug 20, 2002
Hey CM, I've got a young sub-adult (4.5") female B. pallidum sitting on my desk right in front of me (at least I think it's female). John Hoke sent her as a freebie about a year ago. She looks quite a bit like yours, except her legs are closer to her abdomen colors. Did your flash drown out it's leg colors? I'm not too sure that the pink carapace colors will fade with time. When I received her as a sling (1.5"), she wasn't that great looking. However, her colors keep improving with each molt; she's actually rather nice looking and I really wouldn't describe her as "pallid".

Karen N.

Code Monkey

Old Timer
Jul 22, 2002
Originally posted by Ultimate Instar
She looks quite a bit like yours, except her legs are closer to her abdomen colors. Did your flash drown out it's leg colors? I'm not too sure that the pink carapace colors will fade with time.
No, this thing went from being a fairly generic looking Brachypelma sling to a metallic orange-pink carapaced thing with dark legs in a single moult, and on this last moult the legs turned a nice, jet black.

I posted on this conundrum earlier and Art's comments aside, I don't believe it's an annitha to save my life. I waited for this moult to see if there were any changes, but it's now a small juvenile and zero orange markings. Given that annitha is believed by many to be synonymous with smithi (just a regional morph), there's no way it's going to magically turn into an annitha since every smithi I've seen at this point was a perfect little adult in markings. I don't know what it is, but I'm leaning towards whatever gets called pallidum in the pet trade.