Woulda Coulda Shoulda


Old Timer
Sep 29, 2007
Two Scenarios

1. Ever had an animal die/got really sick that was completely preventable and you would have done almost anything to go back in time and do it right? Ever lost an animal?

2. Okay, you've ever went shopping for something, especially a pet, and then you overlook it and later you find out that it was a rare species or it was a great deal but came back and it was gone?

Well share it! It can be items as well, but more about pets please. If its too hard for you to share it, its okay, we understand. Tell us what you're willing to share, I'm not trying to bring back horrible/extremely painful memories. Just like listening to ppl thats all.

Here's Mines:

My friend works at Petco, he's the few ppl that actually KNOW what they're talking about. Anyway, I went there one day, I always go to the petstores when I go to the malls. The ladies always go shopping for shoes, clothes, or household items. Heck if I'd follow them for 3 hours and be their butler.

Anyway, that day I was standing around and my friend saw me and walked up to me and we said hello and I ended up asking him if he had any cool animals in the back. He would usually give me a free tour in the animals they keep in the back. So I check it out and eventually I saw a centipede. It was the first time I've ever seen a centipede in real life and at that point I didn't know much about centipedes. Well, I asked him what kind it was and he said peruvian centipede. I was a little overwhelmed to find one in the store not to mention a petco so I asked him how much it was. He said $55. At the time I didn't have a job nor did I have $55 on me or anything. I was also skeptical of whether it was indeed a peruvian or not nor did I know how much it really cost ($200-300 now?)

So I got one of the girls, one whom always carried a digital camera on her for some weird reason, and she took a pic for me. Girls wouldn't lend me money for a centipede lol, plus like I said, I was reluctant and skeptical. So I told him I'll be back soon. Came home, posted the picture up for identification, many ppl said it was indeed a peruvian, went back 3 days later (didn't have a freaken ride!) and it was gone. He said one of the co workers probably took it and maybe sold it off because he only worked there for like 3 times a week.

I was like...S.......O...........B!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :wall: :wall: :wall:

Now I definately can't get one as its way too expensive. This happened a few years back.


Old Timer
Jul 7, 2007
once i put tow pet store rats in with my two ten foot rear fanged,arboreal mangrove snakes.
the rates were alive.. i ws a young herper at the time, but i knew better, but these snakes were vicious..and i never thought they would get killed.

welp..came back 30 mins later and neither snake had a head.:(

never got over that.


Old Timer
Sep 29, 2007
once i put tow pet store rats in with my two ten foot rear fanged,arboreal mangrove snakes.
the rates were alive.. i ws a young herper at the time, but i knew better, but these snakes were vicious..and i never thought they would get killed.

welp..came back 30 mins later and neither snake had a head.:(

never got over that.

Ah, I had one problem sorta like that with my arrowanna. I bought a pretty expensive (rare Australian breed) that cost me about $50. I got it some feeder gold fish. I got it home and tried feeding it some gold fish and for some weird reason I came back and it had a goldfish stuck in its mouth. After an hour he was able to swallow it, but he started having jaw problems and died 3 hours later....

Since it was from an Asian petstore, their policy was "NO REFUND, NO EXCHANGE"...bastards....they're all smiling when you wanna buy something, but their smiles become frowns pretty fast when they find out you're trying to return something...


Old Timer
Jul 8, 2007
1. Ever had an animal die/got really sick that was completely preventable and you would have done almost anything to go back in time and do it right? Ever lost an animal?
I had a lovely little chinchilla that my mom killed on me by feeding it too many sugary treats to the point where it had a siezure that broke its spine and killed it. If I could go back, I think I would beat my mom with a baseball bat until she reached a vegetative state preventing her from going near ANY of my animals for doing that to my beautiful chinchilla despite my warnings (including a fricken sign on her cage) not to give her copious amounts of dried fruit and cereal. Seriously, it was horrible. And I didn't even get to say goodbye because I was in the hospital when it happened. :wall:
And I also still kick myself for losing that scorp in my house, because my cat killed it and I felt absolutely like crap for letting such a beautiful young scorp die over something as stupid as not having a well latched tank lid.

2. Okay, you've ever went shopping for something, especially a pet, and then you overlook it and later you find out that it was a rare species or it was a great deal but came back and it was gone?
Actually, no; I'm usually lucky in this regard. There have been animals I've regretted not buying, but not because it was a good deal or a rare species, but simply because I would have liked to have owned it and had the time/space. For example, there was a nice african dwarf frog with one eye at the expo I would have loved to buy, and I feel like I should have argued the vendor into giving it to me for free so I could have taken it home. Instead I let my ex talk me out of even buying it, forget trying to get it as a freebie. Dangit.


Old Timer
Mar 13, 2007
1. Ever had an animal die/got really sick that was completely preventable and you would have done almost anything to go back in time and do it right? Ever lost an animal?
Not exactly, but I have made some bad calls. Last year I was really busy and thus irresponsible and I forgot to water my cham for a week. (veileds are from the desert right?) Well one bad shed later and my cham lost the top
1/4" of his casque. Hes fine now and looks great, but is a living reminder of my stupidity:wall: ~ Rex

2. Okay, you've ever went shopping for something, especially a pet, and then you overlook it and later you find out that it was a rare species or it was a great deal but came back and it was gone?
One time my LPS had a male plumed basilisk that was bright neon green and turquoise {D. Over the next few days I thought about it, picked out a name (Jesus) and went back to get it...but of coarse it wasn't there. ~ Rex


Old Timer
Sep 10, 2007
oen time at a rep show i saw a female(well i think thats what it was, it was over 6 inches) King baboon for like 60 bucks and didnt get it... stupid me. but i got an H. lividium and E. murinus for 25$ a piece.

and i dont even want to go over what happend to my late bearded dragon... i miss him


Old Timer
Jul 15, 2007
This wasn't my animal, however it was in my room. It was a red tail boa..
Apparently it had mouthrot, and my roommate did nothing about it so of course it died. My room smelled terrible and I couldn't find where it was comig from... It was the snake of course. When my boyfriend cleaned out it's cage, the snake melted in his hands. So horrible.


Old Timer
Jul 8, 2007
Holy crap. If that happened to me, I think I'd have bludgeoned my room mate to death in his/her sleep. That is just totally unacceptable.


Old Timer
Jul 31, 2007
Two Scenarios

1. Ever had an animal die/got really sick that was completely preventable and you would have done almost anything to go back in time and do it right? Ever lost an animal?

2. Okay, you've ever went shopping for something, especially a pet, and then you overlook it and later you find out that it was a rare species or it was a great deal but came back and it was gone?
1. I have had a blue tongue skink lose toes due to improper humidity when I first started out with blueys 11 years ago. I wish I would have realized how easy it was to prevent this at that time. On the happy note though she is missing toes and the first leg (male severed it about 9 years ago so had to go to the vet and get the arm removed and the stump stitched up) she is still around and one the favorite attractions when people come by to see my pets.

2. 2 episodes. A small pet store had a pair or monkey tail skinks (Corucia zebrata) a few years back when importation first became illegal. They had possession of the skinks for over a year so I thought no rush since I live 300 miles away and only visited that town a few times a year. The manager agreed to give the skinks to me since they were taking up space and he couldn't sell them for the listed price of $49.00 (no typo, he was actually trying to sell them that cheap). By the time I made time to go down there, the store employees had managed to let their health deteriorate so much that the skinks died. I felt awful. I also yelled at the employees for being morons, but that didn't help the skinks out at all.
The second episode is recent. I went to a reptile show and of course a few were selling retics. I already have albinos and was not looking to add any more too soon, but I saw one that looked like a somewhat common genetic. I bought it, but not the other that looked just like it. I talked around and sure enough it has all the telltale signs of that morph (need to breed her to be sure), but I failed to go back and buy the second. So instead of a pair, I just have the one. I guess I shouldn't look a gift horse in the mouth though. One is fine.:)


Old Timer
Dec 20, 2006
i had 3 birds i rescued in middle school.. a canary my aunt found outside, a sparrow my sisters cat almost killed, and a grackle that i raised from a baby. the canary and the sparrow lived together and did very well, but i kept the grackle in its own cage because of how big it was. my mom didn't like me having 2 different cages in my room so she made me put all the birds in the same cage. i noticed the sparrow started loosing feathers from the back of its head so i put it in a cage by itself, the next day when i came home from school the canary was dead on the bottom of the cage.. the grackle had eaten its brains.
i was in 6th grade though and i couldn't talk back to my mom, even though i knew it was a terrible idea to make them all live together. she was terrible to me, and after the grackle killed the canary she made me release the bird into the back yard, with no survival skills since it had lived with me before it could fly.
that was the worst