I'm a bit worried about my millipede. When I came home tonight it seemed she was sprawled out, and was partially lying on her side, but not grooming or curled up, and not moving much. I touched it a little and she partially curled up for a short time but is still very slow.
I know that when they sit on their side it can be a bad sign. It does appear all legs are moving and none have fallen off, and there is no visible injury. Of concern however is that she has been losing color over the last few months. She is a lot less black and more tan in between segments.
I've tried to fortify her diet with collard, kale and hermit crab pellets, but she hasn't show much interest. I've had oak leaves but they have decayed over the winter even with my extra supply, so I am waiting for new leaves to grow. Cucumber and mushroom have been eaten actively.
I'm going to keep an eye on her, does anyone have any advice? She must be quite old now, as I have owned her for a few years now, and she was fully grown when I got her.