Woodlouse spider care


Feb 14, 2021
I'm a first timekeeper and I wanted to keep a woodlouse spider in a 4x4x4. Are there any real tips or tricks for keeping these guys out there? I also have a 9 x 5 x 5 and wondering if I could do a communal enclosure, if not I would keep only one.

Thank You


Mar 10, 2021
From my research woodluse spiders are mainly solo unless mating, or a female who had a clutch. The babies will stay with the mother until maturity. I just caught a woodluse today, I have him in a jar until I can find a bigger and more proper enclosure.
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Mar 10, 2021
They are mostly nocturnal, and will typically want to hide during the day. They might be seasonal breeders. Other than that I have no info, but they are hardy and should be easy to keep.


Mar 21, 2021
I've recently found a woodlouse spider in my apartment and I have kept it for over a week now. (I fed it a bug and it was awesome!) I'm trying to make it as comfortable as possible. Which temperature should I be aiming for? It can get very cold here in the winter and very hot in the summer. I read that they should have some indirect sunlight as long as they have many places to hide. Is this true? Should I be keeping it in a mostly dark area? Also wondering if I can keep moss in the enclosure? I would have to lightly mist it daily. Would that be ok? Or perhaps an air plant is better? Also, I got some crickets but they may be too big for it? I hear that they eat crickets but is this always true? Thank you for any information! It is my first time housing a spider and I want to be sure I am taking proper care of this creature.


Edan bandoot

Sep 5, 2019
They enjoy some moisture, so the moss is fine.

If you found it in your apartment then the ambient temperature in your room is probably fine for it.


Mar 20, 2022
They are quite cannibalistic but can apparently coexist.
I'm not sure why else nearly 10 spiders would be just hangin' out like in this video.
I personally cannot imagine success in anything smaller than a 10-gallon tank, though, unless they prove to coexist well. Even in a 10-gallon they might cannibalize and a good rule would be to keep the tank so densely-covered that they are difficult for each other to find.
They are quite active at night, and may do most of their cannibalism in the cover of darkness.

They like moisture, although I'm not sure if they are actually dependent on it, or are just attracted to the woodlice that need damp conditions to live. Moss might be a good idea for an enclosure to increase humidity. A damp substrate would probably appeal to them.
I don't think they would be happy in a soaking wet enclosure, though. A light misting daily should suffice.
They seem to be unfussy about their food, and I've heard of them taking crickets and even mealworms. Isopods seem to be the preferred prey, though, and for ease of maintenance, they could probably be kept in bioactive enclosures with a steady supply of breeding isopods. With isopods to clean up after them and feed them, they would probably do fine mostly just left alone.
For substrate, Zoo Med Creature Soil would probably be fine. Even pesticide-free dirt from outside would probably be enough.
Substrate at least over an inch deep traps humidity better than anything shallower.
They can adapt to a wide range of temperatures, and room temperature would probably be more than enough warmth to keep them satisfied.
Keep in mind that they are nocturnal, and you may only see them if you put a flashlight over them after leaving them in the dark for a while.