WOO! Ordered some T's!


Old Timer
Jun 8, 2008
Just ordered a Acanthoscurria geniculata, Brachypelma albopilosum, Grammostola aureostriata, and a Poecilotheria Ornatas from Kenthebugguy!! Tell me how you guys like yours. How they act, humidity, etc. Thanks you guys!


Old Timer
Oct 4, 2005
Just ordered a Acanthoscurria geniculata, Brachypelma albopilosum, Grammostola aureostriata, and a Poecilotheria Ornatas from Kenthebugguy!! Tell me how you guys like yours. How they act, humidity, etc. Thanks you guys!
Ok, to start with, good choices!!!!
A. geniculata get big and can be defensive, terrestrial set up, slightly moist substrate, water dish. They are big eaters, and really stunning looking adults.
B. albopilosum, terrestrial, generally docile, although I've gotten some attitude on occasion from juvies, they seem to grow out of it. Give them lots of substrate and sit back and watch the show. These guys are bull dozers and will spend hours digging, hauling and revamping their dirt, its a hoot to watch.
G. aureostriata, big beautiful T, terrestrial, provide either a hide or a pre dug burrow, they will eat quite well when small but they hit a certain point and they all of a sudden remember that they are Grammostolas and slow down on eating and growing. Slightly moist substrate, generally very docile.
P. ornata, okay with this one I will have to say that I have 7 different kinds of pokies and by far my ornatas are the most spazzy. They also are one of the pokies that get the largest, I've seen some pics of adult females that make me want to run for a saddle!!!!!! Good eaters, very defensive, so don't corner them, always give them a retreat. Set them up in an arboreal set up with enough substrate to burrow if they decide they want to (some do). Keep them moist but not soaking wet, and watch out for the speed!! These guys can move fast!!!
Have fun with them!!


Old Timer
Jun 8, 2008
YAY! Got them early today! They all look very healthy and happy. I made some temporary containers for them until I get to work and make some more. Thanks for your help guys! ;)