woo hoo..at long last!


Old Timer
Oct 1, 2009
finally...my obt I have been waiting for, as well as a 4.5 inch lasiadora difficilis are being delivered... I am so excited, not just for the orange demon but really looking forward to raising a cricket pig like the lasiadora..lets cross our fingers and hope she grows up to be a monster!!


Old Timer
Oct 1, 2009
they have arrived!!! yippee ki yay m.f. ....the obt is awesome he was immediately stomping and circling and layering some new web into his hammock hes got in the michaels square display he is in....I can tell he got some attitude.....I am going to have to rehouse the L. difficilis...its sad..I was under the impression the diude I was getting my spiders from was more attentive to his critters as he has tons of spiders....anyway it was in the medium/large kk with less than an inch of substrate...looks like vermiculite and potting soil maybe with a water dish and no hide.....I asked him if it was burrowing or arboreal since there was so much room in the tank (I thought maybe he took the stick out for travel, but he said he didnt know..yet he raised it from a sling.......
...soooo anyone who has a thriving Lasiodora difficilis or parahybana, if you could give me a few tips on thier preferred enclosure type it would be great! pics tomorrow