Wolf Spider With Egg Sac + how to ID species


Aug 21, 2021
Hello, I just discovered my wild caught wolf spider with an brand new egg sac. I'm not super interested in having a hundred slings running around my bedroom if the sac is fertile, but I am considering perhaps trying to keep the spider and her babies around because I may like to raise a sling or two to adulthood. I guess my main question is; How do I keep the babies from running amok after hatching? My family would really not be very happy with me if they escape into the house. At this juncture I'm also okay with releasing her if that's what is best for my situation.

My second question is, the only resources on Wolf Spiders for my area is pest control websites and how to kill Wolf Spiders, nothing about how to identify them, and I'd really like to know what my girl is. How do you guys identify species when it seems like there are no resources to do so?

Thanks in advance!


Laxow Legacy LLC
May 30, 2017
Honestly, if you caught it in the wild, you might as well release the mom and babies back where you got her from. As for identification of species, a clear picture of the spider would help on identification.