Why T's?


Old Timer
Jul 25, 2009
So Happy Thanksgiving,
Why do you like owning T's? What is so fascinating IYHO?

I own 2 G. Rosea (Harold and Charlotte), 1 N. chromatus (Convict), 1 OBT (Carrottop) (I've decided to keep), 1 B. smithi (Gizmo) and 1 A. versicolor (Pixie).

I like the diversity of the T's.
Carrottop has 5 different web locations, eats like a pig. The other day I put 3 pinheads and "lost" a sm. superworm in its enclosure. Today all 3 phs are gone and the worm is in one of his webs, eaten.
Pixie Has a hammock that is about 2inches long, pretty cool.
Convict waits at the bottom of its long tunnel for the phs I drop in the delicup. The tunnel and burrow is quit impressive.
Gizmo has vanished into the substrate, but I know Gizmo is alive cuz the Crix dissappear.
Harold and Charlotte are boring, LOL, unless they are spider porning for me. Stilll waiting for sac.
Anyway tell us why you love your T's.


Old Timer
Sep 1, 2009
i got into
because of a LPS
they have been selling hundreds of these things
for years and since a little
ive allways looked at them
and wondered why. well around march/February
i asked the owner and
he let me hold and i fell in love.
got my rose hair a week later .
now i got fifteen various T's


Old Timer
Aug 23, 2009
In the wild

My husband was out west (thats what we call the desert here) and found a T wandering around at sunset. He thought it was cool and brought it home to show me. I started looking into them, and found them to be completely awesome! I read about them, searched for information, and learned a lot, mostly from this site, and then went and bought a Rosie, and it went downhill from there. Counted tonight and there are 83 now. Still waiting on 5 more to arrive!


Old Timer
Sep 22, 2008
night4now you say it went "downhill" you mean uphill;)

for me i like the diversity. feeding never gets boring, watching them web is awsome. i love building and designing tanks for them. and while this is not something i proud of but i traded "drugs for bugs" so to speak. i used to be quite the coke addict/pothead. i quite cold turkey and needed something to do with my spare time...so by a twist of fait a buddy of mine gave me an A. henzi he found near joplin missouri and it went from there. ive been clean for 4 years and havent looked back. spiders where the best thing that ever happened to me.:clap:


Old Timer
Sep 1, 2009
night4now you say it went "downhill" you mean uphill;)

for me i like the diversity. feeding never gets boring, watching them web is awsome. i love building and designing tanks for them. and while this is not something i proud of but i traded "drugs for bugs" so to speak. i used to be quite the coke addict/pothead. i quite cold turkey and needed something to do with my spare time...so by a twist of fait a buddy of mine gave me an A. henzi he found near joplin missouri and it went from there. ive been clean for 4 years and havent looked back. spiders where the best thing that ever happened to me.:clap:
that is an amazing story
and ive allways wondered if T's would be good to
help with an addiction, you know replace one addiction with another.
i got an addict friend and thought about it giving them T to help.
so thank you for the inspiration.


ArachnoVixen AKA Dream Crusher AKA Heartbreaker
Staff member
Sep 14, 2009
night4now you say it went "downhill" you mean uphill;)

for me i like the diversity. feeding never gets boring, watching them web is awsome. i love building and designing tanks for them. and while this is not something i proud of but i traded "drugs for bugs" so to speak. i used to be quite the coke addict/pothead. i quite cold turkey and needed something to do with my spare time...so by a twist of fait a buddy of mine gave me an A. henzi he found near joplin missouri and it went from there. ive been clean for 4 years and havent looked back. spiders where the best thing that ever happened to me.:clap:
Are you kidding, that is absolutely something to be proud of!! You gave up an addiction and one that is VERY hard to quit. Congratulations and you should be damn proud of yourself for doing so :D


Aug 21, 2009
i've wanted a T since i was a little kid.. i just love spiders and im not sure why.. (i love ALL animals, but spiders in particular as far as "bugs" go). i think everything about them is just so graceful, beautiful, and badass at the same time. i think its also the "misunderstood" factor.. i relate to them more than any "cute doggie" or "pretty kitty".


Old Timer
Apr 3, 2008
I was into creepy crawlies ever since I was a kid. My house is in the province so I got a lot of opportunities to get into the forests and catch bugs. You can imagine how my parents reacted when they all got out of the house. :D

Eventually, I grew up and had an allowance and then bought my first T. I then started breeding to come up with more "T money". Since I'm still studying this is how I go by to sate my T cravings:drool:

And of course they're hell a lot more easier to keep than other pets imo.


Old Timer
Sep 22, 2008
haha. yeah well its understandable that your bank account goes downhill. but thats the economy too. and thanks for the kind words. it was hard to kick the addiction. but like i said spiders are the best hing that ever happened to me. and a hell of alot cheaper!:wall:


Old Timer
May 7, 2008
When they walk it's like a dance. I also have pedes and a couple od scorps too. The more legs the better. I guess I am a leg guy! ;p


Old Timer
May 2, 2009
Why I Like Mine

I guess one reason of why I like them is that it is something so new for me since I've never had tarantulas but very familar too, because I've kept other spiders that I found at home (jumpers, sow-bug killers, daddy long legs, sac spiders, widows, wolf spiders, etc.) Babysat a rosie some time ago but she did almost nothing.

My first Ts were Psamlopoeus irminia ( have one cambridgei, too). They're very secretative and shy. Haven't gotten anything but a half-effort threat from one but you'd be mad too if you had a bright light flashed onto you.
Sometimes I just don't know what they'll do next. One ate an isopod yesterday and I've never seen any of them interested in isopods before.

I love the tube webs they all make. One has a silken tunnel that comes out of the tree root and splits into two tubes at the opening with a simple top exit in the middle. Sometimes the silk is so thick I can only see the orange of their mouth or a few feet sticking out the top. Whenever they do come out, it's a pretty sight. Especially after a molt, since you get used to how they look each instar then it's "OMG, who are you and did YOu eat my tarantula!?" :p :D

Steve Calceatum

Old Timer
May 22, 2009
night4now you say it went "downhill" you mean uphill;)

for me i like the diversity. feeding never gets boring, watching them web is awsome. i love building and designing tanks for them. and while this is not something i proud of but i traded "drugs for bugs" so to speak. i used to be quite the coke addict/pothead. i quite cold turkey and needed something to do with my spare time...so by a twist of fait a buddy of mine gave me an A. henzi he found near joplin missouri and it went from there. ive been clean for 4 years and havent looked back. spiders where the best thing that ever happened to me.:clap:
Very inspirational, Cody!!!!! Even though I don't consder Pot to be a "drug," I can see where the psychological addiction would lie. Personally, I can relate to your story. I discovered the drug scene at the tender age of 12. Opiates (mainly heroin) were my DOC, although I just shoveled EVERYTHING I could get my hands on, right into in my body in some attempt to escape what I thought to be a painful reality. After a couple of overdoses that I was LUCKY to survive, I got smart and kicked it.

Sadly, I cannot count on my fingers and toes all the friends I've had over the years who were not so lucky, nor wised up to the consequences of their actions. Anything that is controlling your life is seldom beneficial.....so if the Pot and Coke were doing that to you, then you certainly made the best possible choice in deciding to be clean.

The tarantulas were there to help you deal with your addiction, and transfer something that was harmful into something beneficial. For me, it was my music.....because I'd practice when I'd get cravings, I became quite skilled. Enough so that my bandmates have been calling me "Spiderfingers" forever, LOL!!! Even though I was scared of spiders, I embraced the imagery.....then got over it and bought a rosie.....then I had a wishlist.....now I have 16 T's, and am looking forward to more!!! :D

Nowadays, the addiction to T's appeals to both my sense of aesthetics, and the desire to be different. EVERYONE has a dog, or a cat, or a fish tank (2 cats, and I still like the fishies :p ). Not everyone has a room full of venomous bugs!!!!!


Old Timer
Sep 22, 2008
well high five man (high fives):clap:

i mean dont get me wrong. ive always been into "bugs" and animals in general.

i remember when i was a kid we lived in a gated community (you know rich fancy houses) and i used to get out my 8foot albino burmese pythons and play with them in the yard. none of the neighbor kids were allowed to play with me.

also used to go out at night and shine a maglite on the ground and look for wolf spiders glowing eyes. so bugs and such were nothing new to me. just a forgotten past time.

by 16 i was spending close to 1000 dollars a week one coke and pot. i made money by working at a taco bell and selling both drugs. if only idhave stuck all the time and money into spiders if be set now.:wall:

anyway im lad im clean and im not proud of my past. but it made me who i am so i dont regret a second of it. and thanks for the kind words but i really feel no need for congrats when i shouldnt have chose that path to begin with.

But for those struggling with addiction..id say let bugs be your friends. they too can help you get your "fix" i once saw a signature on here that i loved it was something like "i dont smoke, i dont drink, and i dont do drugs. i get my fix everytime a package comes in the mail"

and let me tell you that is very true.


Old Timer
Jun 15, 2009
I've been keeping reptiles and amphibians for years, so I wanted to try something different. I find inverts to be very fascinating because they're so different from the other things I've own before. They're kind of alien in a way.

T's in particular are cool because they're large enough for you to be able to observe them on a level closer to your own than, say, one of those tiny species of true spider.

I work and go to college, plus there are other things I do in my spare time, so I also love how low-maintenance T's and other inverts are.