whoa!? an eggsac


Old Timer
Jan 1, 2008
I purchased a H. gigas about two months ago from a pet store. They are great, take really good care of their T's and everything. It was in great condition, very active, fat, aggresive. Anyway, about a week ago it made a huge chamber in it's cage with a whole bunch of webbing. I'm pretty new to T's so I didn't really think anything of it. Tonight I come home to find a huge sac! What am I going to do with this thing? I have no clue how to care for it. Does the T eat while watching the sac? Should I try and feed it? Raise or lower the humidity? I just recently got into T's. I also have a p. irminia, a b. boehmi (both juvies), and a g. rosea. Just found a new home for my t. blondi as I found out the hard way that I am highly allergic to the stupid hairs, but I digress. I was NEVER planning on breeding T's. I don't breed anything, apart from mice for all of my reptiles. I want to do the right thing here, but what the heck am I going to do with all the babies?! Any suggestions or help with any of this would be so very appreciated!



Old Timer
Jan 23, 2006
I purchased a H. gigas about two months ago from a pet store. They are great, take really good care of their T's and everything. It was in great condition, very active, fat, aggresive. Anyway, about a week ago it made a huge chamber in it's cage with a whole bunch of webbing. I'm pretty new to T's so I didn't really think anything of it. Tonight I come home to find a huge sac! What am I going to do with this thing? I have no clue how to care for it. Does the T eat while watching the sac? Should I try and feed it? Raise or lower the humidity? I just recently got into T's. I also have a p. irminia, a b. boehmi (both juvies), and a g. rosea. Just found a new home for my t. blondi as I found out the hard way that I am highly allergic to the stupid hairs, but I digress. I was NEVER planning on breeding T's. I don't breed anything, apart from mice for all of my reptiles. I want to do the right thing here, but what the heck am I going to do with all the babies?! Any suggestions or help with any of this would be so very appreciated!

lol the joys of wild caught surprise egg sacs lol

OK if its an H gigas you should have it pretty humid there anyway so that should be ok. Keep the sac with the mom for 40 days or so. then take the sac being careful to nly grab the edge of the webbing . and carefully open it . you should have eggs with legs OR first instar slings by then. you can keep them communally for a while then separate into condiment cups. they will need to be kept humid . untill second instar or so they will not need to be fed. also, most people dont feed the Ts while they have a sac .Also, at the 40 day mark you could pull the sac and send it to me lol


Old Timer
Jan 1, 2008
Any one know how many eggs I should expect? She is small, I don't think she's even 5 inches. I seriously have a g. rosea that is bigger than her. Any suggestions on how to take the sac? She is FAST, and aggresive, plus I'm not thinking she will be too thrilled about handing it over, lol. Ughhh, I guess I will never buy WC again! I just thought that she couldn't possibly be ready for breeding because she was so small. Actually she's a little leggy so I thought she was a he, guess not! Oh well, now I'm just hoping there aren't too many of the little buggers. One of the local petstores said they would take two at a time to sell when once they reached 1". Lovely. Just need to know if I'll have 50 deli cups or 500, lol.


Old Timer
Feb 10, 2008
Grab just the outer edge of the sac with forceps and use a long handled spoon to gently slide between the female and the sac to separate them.


Feb 6, 2008
In my experience, the more you feed them while they are gravid the more eggs they produce. You can expect quite a few.