Who knows about snakes?


Mar 28, 2006
I've had a rainbow boa for a year and she looks great. But the last 2 times she has shed, it looks lthere is still skin over her eyes.
They sell Shed Aid at the local pet store, but i don't know if I can use it cuz it's over her eyes. Any suggestions?


Old Timer
Feb 13, 2006
i have had success using a piece of tape to remove stuck eye-caps by pressing the sticky side of the tape over the eye. This method is safe only if the eye cap is loose, don't force it. If that doesn't work i'd try misting her eyes periodically to loosen the caps. This is a fairly a common problem with captive snakes and perhaps someone else knows of a better method.

Cirith Ungol

Ministry of Fluffy Bunnies
Old Timer
Dec 22, 2004
Did you ever check on the shed skin if the eye cap actually followed with it? Because that's the most certain way of knowing if it is actually shed or not. I always check for that whenever any of my snakes shed.


Old Timer
Oct 28, 2007
Take a rubbermaid or similar container with a tight gitting lid and fill it with warm water to about 2'' deep or moist spahgnum moss from Home Depot or a garden center int he house plant section and place the snake in the tub with the moistened moss and place in a 80F place.Let the snake stay over night and see if the eye caps come off on their own or can be more easily removed with tweezers.Mineral oil or olive oil on a swap can me used to gently work moisten and work the cap off of the eye.The shed ease may or may not help and is touchy for used around the eyes.Home remedies work best or a vet,if need be.It would not be a bad practice to use the moist moss technique,when the snake sheds in the futture,ot prevent this problem form happening again.Good luck.


Old Timer
Mar 6, 2006
I have used the tape method...it seems scary but if you are sure there is a retained eye cap you are fine


Dec 31, 2007
the tape does work. but if you feel uncomfortable with it or not that experienced with snakes dont try it. another idea is to get the temps and humidity to where they need to be and just wait until the next shed. it wont hurt the snake to just wait until next time. the container with the locking lid is a good idea though. i use it also and it helps alot. i personally have never used the shed aid but i have heard bad things about it so i would just stay away from it.


Old Timer
Nov 19, 2004
Shed Aid is advertised as being safe to use on the eyes.

However, I find a good soak and/or a gentle rub over the eyecaps with a wet washcloth works fine.

I've heard far to many horror stories about using tape on eyecaps that were not retained to want to recommend it.


Old Timer
Oct 31, 2005
Rainbow boas require high humidity, they have a thin skin that will tear quite easy if the humidity range is off during there shed cycle. Id suggest the damp spagnum moss/rubbermaid method that was mentioned earlier. After soaking cut a hole in the top of side and leave it in the cage, They like a humidity box. You could also put the snake in a damp pillow case, not soaking wet as you dont want to smother the animal. Both methods will usually work. If they havent came off after soaking for awhile take a second look, the rim of the eye cap should be alittle more visible if it is retained. They will usually come off with alittle bit of rubbing after soaking. I'd advise you to try the soaking method rather than risk tearing her occulear lens off, If your certain theres a retained eye cap you can try the tape method, You still soak it and blot the eye dry first!


Nov 28, 2007
The husbandry for keeping BRB can be challenging. Firstly, ambient temps above 82 for extended time can be fatal, should stay between 77-80. The humidity is okay at 70 but as juveniles it should be at least 80. As for temperament, BRB are nippy as juveniles but will settle with regular handling; however, they are not the most social snake and are certainly not the "pass around" type. I currently own 2 and thoroughly enjoy them. Good luck. Here's a link:




Old Timer
Sep 14, 2007
Humidity boxes are the way to go!! Don't waste your money on shed aids, they are for those with poor husbandry skills. Think about where the animal lives in nature and recreate that in some manor, you don't need to be fancy just functional. Humidity box or a subtrate that holds moisture but wont mold ie; peat moss or coco fiber work well. When you change the water bowl( one large enough for the entire snake) over fill it and let the excess add dampness to the cage. This and the above posts have worked well for my many years of keeping and breeding this species. The eye caps can be coaxed off with little patience and a good pair of tweazers after a good soak in warm water.


Nov 28, 2007
Humidity boxes are the way to go!! Don't waste your money on shed aids, they are for those with poor husbandry skills. Think about where the animal lives in nature and recreate that in some manor, you don't need to be fancy just functional. Humidity box or a subtrate that holds moisture but wont mold ie; peat moss or coco fiber work well. When you change the water bowl( one large enough for the entire snake) over fill it and let the excess add dampness to the cage. This and the above posts have worked well for my many years of keeping and breeding this species. The eye caps can be coaxed off with little patience and a good pair of tweazers after a good soak in warm water.
Great suggestions! Also eco-forest,bed-a-beast, and a damp towel will keep it up. For eye caps try a piece of tape.
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Old Timer
Sep 11, 2005
eye caps

If Brazillians {or any tropical snakes} are kept too dry it will cause the eys to dimple or wrinkle which appears to be a stuck eye cap, cant stress enough the need to be SURE that you actualy have eye caps before trying the above suggestions, especialy the tape method, although the hiumidity box should be standard equipment in the cage at all times as well as an undertank heat source and a clean water supply the snake can completely submerge in, follow these guidelines and you wont have this problem again. Shed ease will work but a good overnight soaking will accomplish the same goal, also if the eyes are, in fact, just dimpled from improper humidity it can take days , weeks or even the next shed to completely eliminate the wrinkled look, and it is possible the snake may refuse food durring this time, although in my experience rainbows are generaly not to shy about eating even when "in the blue" {period prior to a shed when the eyes get that opaque look} enjoy your snakes, Brazillians were my first love in the serpent world and first, succesfull, snake breeding project, I better stop now as I have almost talked myself into getting another pair, hope that helps and PEACE, B.