No from a new Dealer The Spiderhouse I have ordered from him before and Scott (the owner) is a good dealer. I might ask him if I can switch out the Vagan or the other one see if i can get a Brachypelma boehmei instead
Id go for the H. longipedum, mine has a burrow that is really kickass looking and it is right in the corner so I can see in perfectly. Plus watching this guy take down crickets rocks! This is a cool looking T with some nice attitude. And a Brachypelma boehmei is pretty expensive to who knows if he would give that as a freebie. Nvrmind I just looked on his site and he has 1/4" for $16 so thats not bad
My husband is going to drive me batty by Wed. We are ordering like 7 spiders from the Spiderhouse and I am sure he has more he wants to add to the list. LOL
I vote for the B. vagans just because I don't have any Brachypelmas.
:? 26 T's and I don't have a brachy? I really must do something about that! There's a 1.5" B. smithi at a local pet store for $79.99.....I told the owner he was nuts.
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