I would say green bottle blue. They live in dry conditions and web alot. Where as the antilles pink toe needs high humidity. They are both docile.
I'd say they are both easy to care for and both are active. The GBB is terrestrial that needs to be dry and the pink toe is aboreal that needs more moisture. I have and love them both. It's a toss up. Not much help here. Sorry.
Yeah, the humidity requirements for the versi are a myth. Take a kritterkeeper and leave it flat for the GBB or turn it on its end for the versi is pretty much your only choice besides which T.
Personally, I say go for the versi as I love them and GBBs don't do much at all for me.
hmm... well i'm not totally sure but i think i'll get a gbb, and probably also an Avicularia avicularia as they are only $15 for an adult. their colors aren't quite as striking, but they still look really cool. i imagine they are both easy to care for. i had better order them soon before i decide to buy even more (instead of just the one curly i had origionally decided to get).
I've heard once that GBB's are a little more nippy compared to some of the more docile species (In this case, A. Avicularia) and that they aren't really safe to hold.
True or false?
I really don't want to hijack this thread, I just wanted to ask without starting another GBB thread.
I can't really pick between the two right now though -- I've never owned a GBB.
Both Ts are good choices with the Greenbottle being the one you will probably see more of once adult as they tend to stay out more where the versis will hole up in their tube most of the time.
And to answer your question Valael false GBB run but they don't bite. The only reason the versi would be a better handler is if the jumping off of you thing came into effect in which case it can better manage the fall.
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