When to know when wolf spider is going to moult?


Oct 28, 2022
Hello! I'm a newer spider keeper, and recently (3 1/2wks ago) got a wolf spider (T.ruricola) and she's been... a bit weird. I've read that they need to eat every few days, like to hide most of the time, need the lights on to hunt, and like to be left alone mostly. She's a native species to where I am so i just keep her at room temp. Well she's been acting a little strange. She took a 5 day break from food and looked real deflated for a bit. Then she's been hanging upside down under her bone hide (a duck pelvis, works great as a secondary hide + a cool feature ornament) intermittently. Like she'll be under there for 12hrs, then out for 12. She also is usually super feisty, darting around like a madman when i walk by. But she's gotten a bit.. sluggish. She doesn't dart and instead will just watch me.

She's my first spider so i'm really trying my best to not intentionally hurt her or cause her distress. her enclosure is the zilla 8x4x4 btw, if this matters?

attached are photos of her and her enclosure
image_2022-10-29_014525568.png image_2022-10-29_014637301.png image_2022-10-29_014656645.png

William Dawson

Oct 28, 2022
Is she an adult? Sometimes when a spider is getting older, it's harder to tell if they are molting or not. Those are some typical behaviors of molting, but it could be something else. How long has she been acting like this?


Oct 28, 2022
Is she an adult? Sometimes when a spider is getting older, it's harder to tell if they are molting or not. Those are some typical behaviors of molting, but it could be something else. How long has she been acting like this?
I'm unsure if she's adult size as she is (unfortunately) wild caught. T. ruricola is *supposed* to hit an inch in leg span, and she is roughly half an inch, maybe closer to 0.75in. She's been acting like this for a few days now. I also recently discovered she abandoned her old burrow and dug a new one.

William Dawson

Oct 28, 2022
Well, I'd say it's alright to assume she is molting. I am no expert, but I know some species will make new burrows before going into molt, and will have these behaviors. She may act like this for a while longer before molting, so I would just make sure she is offered food somewhat often, and provided with a decent amount of water. Females live for quite a few years, so she is probably just molting.


Oct 28, 2022
Well, I'd say it's alright to assume she is molting. I am no expert, but I know some species will make new burrows before going into molt, and will have these behaviors. She may act like this for a while longer before molting, so I would just make sure she is offered food somewhat often, and provided with a decent amount of water. Females live for quite a few years, so she is probably just molting.
I've been offering her food, and her eating has been a bit sporadic (pinhead crickets) (she did take it ~4 days ago, a day before posting). Her water dish (a small bottle cap) is always kept full and clean. I'll def be looking out for her moult!


Oct 20, 2021
Refusing food and shady colours, recessive behavior.