Id say the hieght might be an issue, depending on the size of your Blondi. If its over 10inches he might be able to reach the top and try to climb on the screen top and runs a possibilty of getting stuck in the screen. just my 2 cents.I've got a tank that is 31 inches long and 10 inches high. Would this be good for T. Blondi?
Heh, good point. I completely overlooked that part.Might help us even more if you gave us the width, too.
oh, well, excuse me then.Nobody said there was a screen top...
10" high for a 10" blondi is fine.
She has been in that tank for 3 years. She has even made 3 dud sacs in that tank. She is very comfortable. She has been mated in that tank to and I am waiting on a sac need a very big tank for a blondi mate and if the height is too could climb,fall and kill itself.
One thing I do not understand,over here,blondi's are mega bucks so why are you scrimping on the size of the tank ?
I got alot of spare tanks and was hoping that one would work since it's one of my bigger need a very big tank for a blondi mate and if the height is too could climb,fall and kill itself.
One thing I do not understand,over here,blondi's are mega bucks so why are you scrimping on the size of the tank ?
go for it thenI got alot of spare tanks and was hoping that one would work since it's one of my bigger ones.
I disagree that they need a ton of space to not be stressed.
I have my adult 9" female in a 20 gal and she never leaves her hide unless she wants some water. She just sits and eats like a garbage disposal, and grows. Never kicks her hairs off ether.
I was not having a go mate.....just staing a fact about tank height.She has been in that tank for 3 years. She has even made 3 dud sacs in that tank. She is very comfortable. She has been mated in that tank to and I am waiting on a sac now.
My girl is WC.Hence my comment on a sub adult - adult WC (Freshly imported)
If the t is been in that tank over several molts, or if she was raised there, then is another diff story. If not, she will climb and stress non stop (with 20G or smaller)
(In 14 years I have had hundreds of WC T blondi )